Are You Crazy? You're Telling Me This Is a Fugitive TV Show? - C.103 Death Comes Knocking, Prelude! Two Experts vs Death! (1)

Are You Crazy? You're Telling Me This Is a Fugitive TV Show?

C.103 Death Comes Knocking, Prelude! Two Experts vs Death! (1)

Strike first to gain the advantage; hesitate and youll be in trouble. This was the principle Wang Yun had grasped in recent days.

Given the current situation, with Brother Hu and his teams identities exposed, the six of them found it increasingly difficult to hide. They were too conspicuous a target. Once their faces were identified, a simple bounty would quickly lead to their location being pinpointed. Soon, each of them would be in danger.

Wang Yun still had disguise masks, even two brand new ones. But these were limited. One had an associated identity card, the other did not. He couldnt possibly give them to Brother Hu and his team.

If danger lurked on all sides, why not take the initiative?

Wang Yun pondered his next move. Another setup like the previous nights factory arrangement was impossible now.

Firstly, the programs special task force was on guard. Secondly, if a similar situation arose, they would probably just blow up any location he had set up.

Nancheng Bank

Having decided to strike first, Wang Yun needed a target. He would set up a scheme to counter the program inspection team. The issue with the banknotes originated from Nancheng Bank, it would be the starting point of his plan.

This is forcing me to rob a bank, he muttered to himself.

He recalled how a few days prior, the program had asked him to advertise for Nancheng Bank. The advertisements content? A bank even he couldnt break into. How ironic.

His eyes flickered with determination.

However, before I take action, I need to understand the current lineup of the programs special task force.

His eyes narrowed as his mind raced. It was obvious that the program would add new captains and experts, and he needed to know who they were. Acting recklessly without this information would be disadvantageous.

After finishing his meal, Wang Yun left the hotel and found it raining outside. The rain wasnt heavy, but it was persistent. Squinting slightly, he hailed a taxi and headed towards the guesthouse where Brother Hu and the others were staying.

The guesthouse, somewhat secluded, resembled a rural homestead more than an urban dwelling.

Upon arrival, Wang Yun scanned the surroundings. Surveillance cameras were visible, indicating that this location was already compromised. Nearby was a primary school, but due to the rain, there werent many people around. He pretended not to notice the surveillance and approached the door where Brother Hu and the others were, then doubled back to the entrance of the complex, avoiding the cameras.

Standing in a blind spot out of the cameras view, Wang Yun surveyed the environment with great attention.

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With over ten million shock points at his disposal, he had plenty to spend. Wang Yun stood there silently, observing, calculating, and predicting.

In Wang Yuns mind, a virtual image of his plan flickered. Then, skillfully avoiding all surveillance, he entered a small shop and purchased several items. After shopping, he made his way to the guesthouse complex where Brother Hu and his team resided.

He looked at the overhead electric lines, and he squinted his eyes, preparing to set something up.


Whats Big Brother doing?

I dont know, but the programs task force is closing in on them. But Wang Yun already got wind of this. I wonder how he plans to respond!

Its strange to see him fiddling with the electric lines. Whats he planning?

Whenever Wang Yun is up to something unusual, hes definitely plotting a big move!

Is he setting a trap? But do traps involve this kind of setup? What exactly is Wang Yun planning? freew ebnove

Meanwhile, the viewers in the live broadcast watched Wang Yuns actions with expressions of bewilderment. They couldnt understand his intentions.

He was busy manipulating the wires above the complex, then moved to hang a huge banner behind a house near the entrance of the complex. He also purchased some gears and wires.

After finishing his setup on the rooftop of the sixth floor, Wang Yun stood there, calculating. He conducted some simple experiments and a smile crept onto his face. Satisfied with his arrangements, he stealthily left the area, avoiding surveillance, and headed to a nearby street where he ordered a large truck.

The trucks owner was swiftly taken care of by Wang Yun.

After parking the vehicle not far from the complex, Wang Yun carried out some more decorations inside. He scrutinized the surroundings as he entered the complex, pondering over his next moves.

Forget it, three setups should suffice. Any more and they might not fall for it, Wang Yun thought to himself, then headed to where Brother Hu and his men were staying.

Boss! they exclaimed in unison upon seeing Wang Yun.

Our whereabouts will soon be discovered. You must follow me and leave here one by one, Wang Yun instructed them.

What? Boss, were going to be found? How? Dont we have the disguise masks? Brother Hu asked, his face etched with shock.

Its because of the money. The serial numbers on the bills have been recorded by the Nancheng Bank. Theyve issued a reward, so we must leave this place, Wang Yun said. But when we leave, we must avoid all surveillance and leave one by one to prevent detection.

Boss, what do we do now? Brother Hu and his men asked, their expressions changing.

At this point, they had completely embraced their roles as ruthless outlaws.

Well find a place to hide first, and then target Nancheng Bank, Wang Yun said coldly.

Target Nancheng Bank? Okay, Boss, well follow your orders!

Brother Hu and his men responded, nodding in agreement, their eyes filled with ferocity. If Nancheng Bank was targeting them, they certainly wouldnt spare the bank either.


Huh? Are they planning to target Nancheng Bank? Could it be a bank heist?

The audience in the livestream room speculated excitedly upon hearing Wang Yuns plan.

Definitely, haha! Its just like Wang Yun to target Nancheng Bank since the issue with the bills originated there. Mand this is epic!

Before hitting Nancheng Bank, Big Brother needs to be cautious about the current shows task force. Its much stronger than before! fre ewebno

The audience continued to engage in lively discussions.

Lets go, Ill get you out of here first, Wang Yun said in the guesthouse, leading Brother Hu and his men to leave one by one. After escorting them a few kilometers away, he returned to the complex.

Wang Yun surveyed the area and then climbed to the roof of a distant building. By this time, the rain had stopped, leaving the sky dim and overcast. He stood there with a pair of binoculars, waiting silently.

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