Are You Crazy? You're Telling Me This Is a Fugitive TV Show? - C.107 Reckless maneuvers, a brazen showdown, and a step-by-step harrowing plan (1)

Are You Crazy? You're Telling Me This Is a Fugitive TV Show?

C.107 Reckless maneuvers, a brazen showdown, and a step-by-step harrowing plan (1)

Boom! Boom! The cars engine roared to life, the V8 growling menacingly.

Inside, Brother Hu was methodically loading bullets into his firearm.

Their supply of guns was plentiful. Thanks to Hu Sanqing and the factory, Wang Yun and his crew had amassed a considerable arsenal. Now, they had an abundance of ammunition for both pistols and submachine guns.

Head to the bank, grab what we can, and leave. Stick to the plan I laid out yesterday, Wang Yun instructed.

Understood, boss, Brother Hu and the others nodded.

At this moment, their faces were bare, unabashedly exposed, including Wang Yuns. Today, he didnt plan to be discreet. It was all about being wild and unrestrained. Just going for it, with only one specific arrangement in place.

The car thundered toward the first Nancheng Bank branch.


Initiate the issuance of the wanted notice.

Meanwhile, within the program task force officer, the five Captains sat surrounded by twelve expert specialists like Hong Jian and Hao Jiancheng, all awaiting information.

At once, Captain, a staff member promptly replied.

A wanted notice for Wang Yun and his seven accomplices, each with their unique faces. Despite previous setbacks with such notices, it remained the most effective strategy.

They wouldnt stumble at the same hurdle twice, they were ready to adapt and overcome.

Captain, the warrant has now been issued.

The wanted notice was promptly released. The Captains nodded, sitting in silent anticipation as time slowly ticked by.

Ames and three members of the Red Hacker Alliance were intently monitoring the computer screens in front of them. Using the Skyeye technology, they were scanning city surveillance across various locations.

Lets wait for updates. With seven targets, theyre quite conspicuous and easy to spot, Wu Mingyu surveyed the room, adding, Once we have them in our sights, we must proceed with extreme caution during the arrest.

If we can just spot Wang Yun and his gang, everything else falls into place, one of the Sniper brothers said, his eyes shifting towards his elder brother, a look of fierce confidence on his face.

Dont rush, pinpointing Wang Yun and his crew is the key, a member of the Sky Eagles chimed in confidently.

Despite yesterdays setbacks, the Sky Eagles and Snipers werent significantly affected.

The moment they pinpoint Wang Yuns location, they were sure they could take them down, especially the Sniper brothers. free

They were confident that knowing Wang Yuns whereabouts would make their task simple. This confidence stemmed from the prowess of elite snipers.

The terror that snipers instill was often unfathomable to the modern mind. Historically, many significant figures have fallen to snipers. This alone spoke volumes about the dread snipers could evoke.

A life taken from a kilometer away, such was the snipers reach.


The Sky Eagles and the Snipers remarks elicited relaxed smiles from the team. Out of the twelve-member squad assembled to take down Wang Yun, only two had met with failure so far.

Their confidence was growing, just one successful operation would spell victory.

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Out of the car, lets move!

As the task force Captains discussed their strategy, Wang Yun and his team arrived at a branch of Nancheng Bank. This local Nancheng Bank, though small, boasted numerous branches across the city, over a dozen in fact.

Wang Yun and his gang disembarked, armed with imposing firearms. They strode into the bank, utterly unabashed and reckless.

Inside, a middle-aged security guard meandered through the lobby. In these peaceful times, most bank guards were older, their role more about order than actual security. After all, who would dare rob a bank these days? Where could you possibly run?

But here was Wang Yuns crew, blatantly marching into Nancheng Bank, making no effort to hide their intention.


Whoa, is Big Brother really hitting a bank? And so blatantly?

Seriously? Theyre just storming in with guns?

666! This is so bold! Just raiding without a plan, straight into action?

Big Brothers really taking on Nancheng Bank, huh? Haha, isnt that a bit too daring? Arent they worried about getting caught?

Such brazenness!

In the live stream, viewers expressed their shock as they watched Wang Yuns crews audacious entrance. Could they really be this bold?

Inside Nancheng Bank branch, the middle-aged security guard was momentarily stunned upon seeing Wang Yun and his teams firearms.

Wang Yun, wielding a submachine gun, didnt hesitate to fire the guard. A small red dot appeared on the guards chest. The guard, recalling yesterdays instructions from the chairman to cooperate in case of a robbery, feigned injury dramatically.


As he fell, he shouted, Dont harm the innocent, dont hurt our customers!

After speaking, he lay motionless on the ground, an Oscar-worthy performance.

Everyone freeze! Were robbing the bank. If anyone dares to call the cops, Ill kill everyone here, Wang Yun said, slightly taken aback by the guards act. His voice boomed as he glared coldly at the people behind the counter.

Dont move a muscle, or Ill kill you too, Brother Hu and his companions fiercely echoed.

Is this a bank robbery?

No, it looks like its part of the Skynet Operation show.

Some customers inside the bank, initially startled, began to whisper among themselves.

Alright, you want money, well give it to you. Just please, dont harm any of our customers, a bank staff member hastily pleaded from behind the counter.

One million, now! demanded Wang Yun, expressionless as he signalled to Brother Hu and the others.

In response, one of his men swiftly pulled down the banks rolling shutter door.

Brother Hu, clutching a bag, swiftly approached and demanded, Open the door, let us in.

Alright, alright, lets stay calm, no need to hurt anyone. All our money is yours, the bank staff hurriedly replied upon seeing Brother Hus gun aimed at them. They quickly moved to fetch the money.

Wang Yun glanced at his watch and declared icily, You have two minutes, no more.

Yes, right away! the bank staff quickly complied.

They didnt alert the police, nor did they waste any time. Whatever was asked for in terms of money, they provided. Their small branch had at most a million in cash.

In these times, human life was invaluable. Even if a million was stolen, it was paramount to avoid any loss of life. Moreover, they had previously been instructed by their superiors. The priority was customer safety. Money could be lost, but customer welfare was non-negotiable. And, of course, a good performance was essential, so they had to act convincingly.

The bank staff, well aware of their role in this staged robbery for the Skynet Operation program, executed their parts flawlessly.

??? Whoa, is Nancheng Bank really cooperating to this extent? Not a hint of resistance?

Their approach is spot-on. Big Brother and his gang took out a guard right at the start. The smartest move is not to resist, just hand over the money to prevent further violence. Human lives are more valuable, after all!

Exactly, this is the wisest decision!

The actions of Nancheng Banks staff are commendable. The money can be stolen, but theres a chance to recover it. However, if a customer were to be shot, that would be a far greater loss!

In the livestream, viewers were abuzz with comments after witnessing the scene.


Great job! These employees deserve a bonus for this, someone remarked.

Meanwhile, at the headquarters of Nancheng Bank, the chairman and his team watched Wang Yuns live broadcast relayed from other cities. They wore expressions of satisfaction. This was a textbook response. This incident could serve as a perfect promotional opportunity for Nancheng Bank.

Inside Nancheng Bank, staff members hastily stuffed stacks of cash into bags, telling Brother Hu and his crew, Heres the money, all of it is yours.

After a quick count, Brother Hu glanced at Wang Yun and called out, Boss!

Lets go! Wang Yun commanded, gesturing sharply.

One of his men quickly rolled up the banks shutter door, and they hurried towards their car. The money was tossed into the vehicle, and Wang Yun instantly revved up the engine. The car surged forward, with Wang Yun expertly steering towards their next target.

The moment Wang Yun and his team departed, a bank employee swiftly dialed a number on his phone.

Hello, Skynet Operation task force? Were reporting a robbery at our Nancheng Bank branch. They took a million and killed one of our staff members.

Back at the program task force headquarters, the five Captains and the twelve new members were taken aback by the news.

A bank robbery? They focused intently, astonishment evident on their faces.

Rob a bank so brazenly? Is he really that bold? Kolyevs eyes were wide, his face a picture of astonishment.

Which branch of Nancheng Bank? a young member of the Red Hacker Alliance asked.

Qingmin Road! Wu Mingyu responded immediately.

The three Red Hacker Alliance members and Ames quickly got to work.

Its them, Wang Yun and his team, a young Red Hacker Alliance member announced, his eyes gleaming. But there are only five, including Wang Yun, Hu Sanqing, and three others. Theyre in a BMW X6M. Weve got the car locked in.

Captain Wang Yue pondered aloud, Whats Wang Yuns intention with such a reckless bank heist? Is it just revenge against Nancheng Bank?

She was visibly puzzled. Such overt action seemed to invite capture.

It is odd, Wu Yaoming agreed, nodding.

They were always cautious, once bitten, twice shy.

Regardless, lets move out immediately, the Sky Eagles team rose to their feet.

Give us a motorcycle, well go alone, the Sniper brothers declared. Now that theyve shown themselves, its our turn to take the stage.

Indeed, it was their time to shine. They werent worried about Wang Yun not appearing and continuing to hide.

Okay! Kolyev and the other Captains immediately nodded in agreement upon seeing the Sky Eagles and Snipers spring into action.

Wang Yun has made his move, we need to respond swiftly. Prepare one hundred officers for immediate deployment, Wu Yaomings eyes gleamed as he picked up the communicator and gave the order.

Yes, Captain, came the prompt response from the program inspectors over the communicator.

Theyre currently on Suyin Road, heading eastward, Amess voice interjected.

Suyin Road? Activate the road monitoring system right away, Captain Ying Yuezi said thoughtfully.

Theyve gone into a shopping malls parking lot, Ames updated.

Officers, head to the coordinates were sending you, and do it quickly, Wu Yaoming instructed firmly through the communicator. They wasted no time in mobilizing.

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This š“¬ontent is taken from freš’†webnove(l).šœšØš—ŗ

