Are You Crazy? You're Telling Me This Is a Fugitive TV Show? - C.109 The Program Inspection Team in Despair. Attacking Nancheng Bank! (1)

Are You Crazy? You're Telling Me This Is a Fugitive TV Show?

C.109 The Program Inspection Team in Despair. Attacking Nancheng Bank! (1)

Panic and unease shrouded the entire special task force. The surveillance system of the Jiuyunli Nancheng Bank branch had been bizarrely hacked and altered. The images they were seeing were compromised.

What could this mean? It suggested that Wang Yun was executing a special plan, and each of his plans was known to be terrifying.

At that moment, a wave of panic washed over them. The five Captains stood deep in thought, their minds racing.

Why would he hack into the surveillance at the Jiuyunli Nancheng Bank branch? Whats he trying to hide? Kolyev pondered, his face etched with concern.

Why doesnt he allow us to see inside the bank? Could it mean that their real target isnt Nancheng Bank? Ying Yuezi speculated with furrowed brows.

Captain Wang Yue, struck by a sudden thought, quickly grabbed the communicator.

Sniper team, respond if you hear this, she called out.

Her colleagues looked on in bewilderment, their expressions filled with shock. Then, their pupils constricted, faces tensed with anxiety.

The call for a response was made, but there was no reply.

Sniper team, respond if you hear this! Wu Yaoming repeated, his voice rising in alarm.

Yet, silence prevailed. The lack of response caused a shift in everyones demeanor in the program task force, their faces betraying their growing fear.

Wu Mingyus body shook intensely as he repeated urgently, Sniper team, respond if you can hear me!

Damn it, somethings gone wrong with them. Sky Eagles, be on high alert. The snipers may have encountered trouble. Wang Yun might now have a sniper rifle. Ensure your safety, he said grimly after a tense two-second pause.

Sky Eagle, copy that.

Upon hearing this, the faces of the four people aboard the helicopters turned grave. Sniper rifles, particularly those used by the snipers, could pose a significant threat to helicopters, given their long range and immense power. Though shooting down a helicopter was highly challenging, with Wang Yuns unpredictable nature, they couldnt afford to lower their guard.

The helicopters immediately began to circle higher, continuously flying to avoid being targeted by the sniper rifle. freewebn(o)

Meanwhile, the two members of Sky Eagle meticulously scanned the area below, searching for any sign of Wang Yun.

How the hell did Wang Yun know we had snipers here? Kolyev roared in the program task force office, unable to contain his frustration.

Wang Yun had silently taken out the snipers. Their team, designed to counter Wang Yun, faced repeated setbacks over two days. Especially today, with the sniper duo now eliminated, Kolyev was bordering on hysteria.

His frustration was palpable, almost jumping up in agitation.

They must have been spotted two days ago near the Nanshan Ju Community. Thats when Wang Yun first noticed the sniper, reflected Wang Yue, her expression shifting subtly as she inhaled deeply. Wang Yuns behavior today was highly unusual and reckless. His real target wasnt Nancheng Bank, it was the sniper.

It had never crossed their minds that all of Wang Yuns actions were aimed at the sniper, to eliminate him. And they had failed to anticipate this.

Now, with the sniper taken out and the sniper rifle in Wang Yuns possession, their trouble was even greater.

Wu Mingyu massaged his cheeks, his face betraying a sense of defeat. Another heavy blow had been dealt.

We still have a chance, theres still an opportunity, Wu Yaoming said, his face etched with discomfort. Staring at the surveillance footage, he muttered determinedly, Even if we dont take down Wang Yun today, we must deal with his subordinates still inside the bank.

Exactly, lets first neutralize a few of his men. Without his subordinates, his threat level will drop significantly, agreed Ying Yuezi.

Their focus now shifted to Wang Yuns men inside the bank.

Sky Eagle, be cautious of Wang Yuns sniping. Next, well focus on Wang Yuns four associates. How soon can the officers arrive? Wu Yaoming directed.

Two more minutes, replied a program inspector promptly.

Helicopters circled above the Nancheng Bank branch, with the Sky Eagle teams gaze fixated on the banks exit. A flicker of anger was visible in their eyes. They had earlier vowed to the snipers to eliminate Wang Yun and his crew, only to end up in this situation, leaving them frustrated and infuriated.


At that moment, the rolling shutter door of the Jiuyunli Nancheng Bank branch swung open. A procession of figures emerged, a dozen or so in total. Amidst them were Brother Hu and his three associates, all armed and pointing their weapons at the bank staff.

With cigarettes dangling from their lips and smirks on their faces, they glanced up at the hovering helicopters, their expressions one of disdain.

Move, head that way! Brother Hu commanded the hostages around him loudly.

The bank hostages had no choice but to follow his orders, moving aside.

Captain, Wang Yuns men have come out, but Wang Yun himself isnt there, only his four associates are visible, Sky Eagles reported from above, observing the emerging group from the bank. Theyve taken seven or eight hostage, we cant fire from up here.

Keep track of them, dont let them out of your sight, Wu Yaoming immediately ordered.

Understood, Sky Eagles responded, their attention fixed on the group below.

Sky Eagles and their team spotted Brother Hu and the rest taking hostages towards an overpass. Realizing the implications, they spoke with a sense of urgency, Huh? No, theres an overpass not far ahead. If they go under it, well lose visual contact.

Upon hearing this, Wu Mingyu quickly scanned the map and decisively commanded, Thats Nancheng Elevated No. 3. All officers, head to Elevated No. 3 immediately.

Yes, came the loud response from the program inspectors.

Meanwhile, Brother Hu and his group, along with the hostages, reached the underside of the overpass.

Waiting there in a truck was Wang Yun, disguised with a wig and his face partially concealed. While he was recognizable up close, through the blurry surveillance footage, identifying him as Wang Yun was nearly impossible.

Brother Hu looked at the hostages and fired his gun.

Youre dead now, so no reporting back, he said with a smile to the bank staff.

Yes, we understand, the staff members responded, smiling and nodding, before lying down on the ground. Their acting was convincingly good.

Get in, lets go, Wang Yun said, smiling at the sight.

The four men, with the money in tow, moved to the back of the truck, got inside, and shut the rear door.

Wang Yun, behind the wheel of a box truck, made a swift getaway. Beneath the overpass, with its dense traffic and scant traffic lights, surveillance cameras were sparse. Wang Yun maneuvered the vehicle rapidly through the streets.

Immediately activate surveillance under Elevated No. 3 and monitor that road closely, Wu Yaoming commanded urgently from within the program task force room, his expression tense. Hurry! I suspect Wang Yun is waiting for his men under the overpass.

Got it! Ames and his team responded at once.

The surveillance on that road is now live, but there arent many cameras along the entire stretch, informed a young member of the Red Hacker Alliance.

Meanwhile, a report came in from the Sky Eagle team.

Sky Eagle reporting. Our helicopter has descended and spotted seven or eight figures lying on the ground, but none of Wang Yuns men. They must have gotten into a vehicle.

Lock onto any vehicle in the area and check for passengers, Wu Yaoming ordered, his face grim with frustration.

The program inspectors vehicles hadnt yet reached the location. Wang Yun and his crew had already made their escape, and due to the overpass, the helicopters couldnt pinpoint their location.

Their only option now was to rely on the surveillance footage. Everyones gaze was glued to the monitors, but as car after car passed by, there was no sign of Wang Yun and his group.

In just a matter of seconds, more than a dozen vehicles went by, and the number only continued to grow.

How could they possibly track them now?

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