Are You Crazy? You're Telling Me This Is a Fugitive TV Show? - C.112 A pair of cold, calculating eyes lurked in the shadows

Are You Crazy? You're Telling Me This Is a Fugitive TV Show?

C.112 A pair of cold, calculating eyes lurked in the shadows

Wang Yun, mixed in about a dozen individuals, walked outdoors. He scanned the surroundings before heading straight to a caf.

Only five minutes had passed since Hu Sanqing and the others had gone into the bank. Wang Yun had also subtly changed his appearance. He had shed his coat and altered his pants and shoes. For a powerful magician or a master of disguise, such rapid costume changes were effortless.

Ill have a cappuccino, he requested, approaching the caf counter. freewe(b)novel.c(o)m

He then chose a corner seat, smiling, and set up his laptop. The screen showed three bank employees, robotically transferring stacks of cash into an unused storage room. This was all part of Wang Yuns intricate scheme. Knowing that moving the money today would be exceedingly difficult, he decided to stage a temporary transfer, planning to retrieve it the next day.

It was a strategy nobody would expect.

Get the press release ready. We need to effectively publicize Nancheng Bank this time, came a voice nearby.

Absolutely, Chairman. Wang Yun seems to have underestimated the sophistication of modern banks. His overconfidence, even arrogance, will be his downfall. He might snatch a few million from the exterior, but accessing our vault is impossible. Our bank is set to make waves once more, another voice chimed in.

At that moment, Wang Yuns exceptional hearing picked up this faint conversation. Hearing these words, he paused, slightly taken aback.

His gaze shifted, revealing a sly expression. Was that not the Chairman of Nancheng Bank?

A subtle smile played on his lips as he watched the surveillance footage on his laptop with evident delight.

In the video, three employees moved like puppets, methodically placing money into the storage room. Once done, they returned to their previous room, their expressions blank and unseeing. With their task complete, Wang Yun promptly sent a message to Brother Hu.

In the lobby of Nancheng Banks headquarters, Brother Hu felt his phone vibrate. After reading the message, he quickly ascended the stairs to finalize a few remaining details. He then strode into the office where the three employees were, forcefully opening the door with a loud bang.

Hey, you three, wake up! Get out here right now! Brother Hu barked at the trio, who were asleep at their desks.

Jolted awake, they looked around in a daze, their faces etched with confusion. They exchanged glances, then turned their bewildered stares back to Brother Hu.

Hurry up, come and be our hostages! Brother Hu commanded with a steely gaze.

Oh, alright, they responded, still disoriented.

With no memory of their recent actions, the three mechanically nodded in agreement.

Despite the apparent bank heist underway, they cooperatively played along, assuming the role of hostages. As they stepped into the lobby, their eyes landed on a vaguely familiar figure. They paused, momentarily startled.

Wasnt this person their colleague?

All set, Wang Yun muttered to himself as he watched Brother Hu successfully manage the situation through the surveillance feed.

He then clicked his mouse, ready for the next move.

The screen went dark. The surveillance footage was completely erased, beyond recovery. All the surveillance systems had failed. Even Wang Yun was unable to access them. freewebn(o)vel

Brother Hu and his team had to stay behind to deal with certain tasks, a necessary move to prevent the exposure of Wang Yuns plan. This entailed a small but unavoidable risk.

Suddenly, the sound of helicopters filled the air. Wang Yun looked up and saw four helicopters swiftly approaching, circling above the Nancheng Bank headquarters. On the streets below, a procession of motorcycles raced toward the scene.

Their response is impressively quick. Well, it makes sense since Nancheng Bank is in the city center, and it seems the program task force is also nearby, Wang Yun noted, a hint of surprise in his voice as he muttered to himself.

He took a sip of his cappuccino, sitting quietly, ready to gauge the strength of the program inspection team.

There were now two more helicopters than before.

Before long, more vehicles converged on the location. Increasing numbers of program inspection officers arrived, swiftly encircling the entire Nancheng Bank headquarters.

Watching the influx of personnel, Wang Yun left the caf with a mocking smile. Curious onlookers had gathered around, their excitement palpable as they snapped photos.

Wang Yun discreetly merged with the crowd, observing the unfolding scene.

Given the circumstances, Brother Hu and his team couldnt make an immediate escape. This, too, was part of Wang Yuns calculations. They still held hostages within their grasp.


Captain, we have completely surrounded Nancheng Bank. Nearby, there are two helicopters from Japan, and their team has arrived too, came the report from Sky Eagle within the program task force office.

Weve seen it and are preparing to move out immediately, Wu Yaoming swiftly responded, glancing at the other team captains.

With a collective nod, they promptly made their way outside.

The Japanese program inspection team was already on the scene, and through the surveillance, they had observed Captain Mita and his team arriving. This spurred them into action. They Could not stay on the sidelines and decided to command the operation on-site.

Can any of our officers see whats happening inside Nancheng Bank? Wu Mingyu asked as they walked.

Captain, were at the entrance of Nancheng Bank headquarters. We can see several hostages near the glass windows, but the specific situation inside is unclear. There are at least a hundred hostages, and were cautious about entering. There are also officers from Japans program inspection team in the vicinity, the on-site program officers promptly reported back.

Dont concern yourselves with Japans team, focus on securing the surrounding area, Wu Mingyu instructed.

Wang Yun taking action against Nancheng Bank headquarters? Hes deliberately putting himself in a dangerous situation. Would he really take such a risk just for revenge against Nancheng Bank? pondered Ying Yuezi, her brows knitted in thought as she considered the motives and potential support behind Wang Yuns latest move.

Hes certainly not one to take risks lightly. Remember the factory incident? Wang Yun wasnt actually in the factory, he had only his subordinates inside while he orchestrated from the outside, Wang Yue replied.

So, youre saying Wang Yun might not be in the bank? That hes still orchestrating from outside? Ying Yuezi turned to Wang Yue. But if Wang Yun isnt inside the bank, it would be impossible for his subordinates alone to take the money, especially to crack open the vault and access a significant amount of cash.

I dont have an answer to that, Wang Yue admitted, her gaze subtly flickering. Wang Yuns every move is unpredictable. This time is no different.

If were unsure of that fiends plan, well end up at a disadvantage, Kolyev said solemnly.

The five captains wore grave expressions. They still lacked confidence in fully resolving the Wang Yun situation, mainly because his plan remained a mystery.

The team quickly boarded an RV and headed straight for Nancheng Banks headquarters.

Meanwhile, at Nancheng Bank, Brother Hu and his team were busy setting up in the lobby. He wrapped wires around the hostages, their key to a potential escape.

Big Brother, the program officers have completely surrounded us, a subordinate reported to Brother Hu.

Heh, no need to worry. Havent we handled enough program officers? Even with snipers outside, they wouldnt dare make a move with so many hostages in our control, Brother Hu said with a sinister smile, unfazed. Lets finish wrapping those wires first.

Got it! The subordinate nodded, his demeanor relaxed.


Outside the Nancheng Bank headquarters, Captain Mita and his team alighted from their motorcycles, eyes fixed on the building.

How should we proceed, Captain Mita? one of his subordinates asked respectfully.

With so many hostages inside, a reckless approach is out of the question. We need to pinpoint Wang Yun and his teams exact location first, Captain Mita responded, his eyes slightly narrowed as he surveyed the area. He then spoke into his communicator, Captain Minami, have you thoroughly checked if there are sewers or any similar passages under this Nancheng Bank headquarters?

Captain Mita, its been checked. There are no sewers beneath the bank suitable for an escape, came a prompt reply over the communicator.

Captain Mita nodded, turning to two of his subordinates, Find the optimal sniping positions. If you get Wang Yun in your sights, take the shot immediately. For everything else, await my orders.

Yes, Captain Mita.

The two sniper subordinates affirmed, quickly scanning the area before heading toward two buildings.

At that moment, an RV rolled in and parked nearby. The Nancheng Bank headquarters was only a five-minute drive from the program task forces location.

The middle-aged captain next to Captain Mita looked around and remarked with a smirk, The team from China has arrived.

A bunch of failures, theyre not worth our concern, Captain Mita said dismissively after a brief glance.

Inside the RV, Wu Mingyu, Kolyev, and the other captains disembarked, scanning their surroundings. Noticing Captain Mita, they spared him a brief look but then disregarded him.

Remembering the cautionary tale of the factory incident, the captains were on high alert.

Ying Yuezi spoke first, First, we need to determine something crucial. Is Wang Yun actually inside the bank?

Absolutely, this is a critical point to confirm. Wang Yun might be using this bank robbery as a mere diversion against us, Wu Yaoming concurred, nodding.

Ames, were you able to breach the surveillance of Nancheng Bank? Kolyev asked, pulling out his communicator to query his protg.

Master, I couldnt break in. It seems the banks surveillance system is shut down, and the network at Nancheng Bank headquarters is also offline. Were trying to hack into the employees phones to gather some intelligence, Ames promptly replied.

Okay then, Kolyev murmured, his brow furrowing as he turned to Wu Mingyu and the others. With both surveillance and network inside cut off and inaccessible, lets deploy drones for reconnaissance.

Good idea, Wu Mingyu agreed, taking out his communicator. All program officers, launch all drones to surveil Nancheng Bank.

Affirmative, Captain, the program inspectors at the forefront promptly acknowledged the command.

The air filled with the buzzing of drones as one after another lifted off, heading toward Nancheng Banks headquarters.


Captain Mita, observing from a short distance, raised his eyebrows slightly upon seeing the drones.

They were outmaneuvered by Wang Yun at the factory, so theyre likely verifying if hes actually inside. A necessary check indeed, said a middle-aged captain from Japans team, watching the unfolding scene.

Heh, definitely worth confirming, a lesson from our past experience, Captain Mita agreed, nodding, Lets also launch our drones for a thorough reconnaissance.

The middle-aged captain by his side gave a nod of approval.

Soon, more drones, a dozen or so, were dispatched toward the bank.

Big Brother, drones are approaching! announced a young subordinate inside the banks lobby, keeping a vigilant eye on the outside developments.

Take them down! Brother Hus eyes sparkled as he swiftly issued the order.

Right away, Big Brother! the young subordinate readily complied, grabbing two hostages as human shields and moving toward the entrance.

Armed with a submachine gun, he opened fire on the swarm of over twenty drones.

However, three or four drones managed to fly rapidly, reaching just outside the lobby. The young subordinate unleashed a barrage of bullets, striking each one accurately. One after another, the drones, remotely deactivated by the production team, plummeted to the ground.

The young man let out a thunderous roar, brandishing his submachine gun and defiantly shouting toward the exterior.

Transmit all the footage that was captured.

Outside, both Captain Mitas team and Wu Mingyus group observed the scene without any signs of surprise or concern.

Wu Mingyu quickly turned his attention to the last images captured by the drones.

Wait, is that Wang Yun?

The drone footage was not crystal clear, but it was clear enough. They quickly focused on a scene captured by one of the drones: a young man sitting on a bench in the lobby, casually chewing gum.

Thats Wang Yun. Based on our intel, Wang Yun often chews gum during operations. Looks like hes really targeting Nancheng Bank this time, Wang Yue confidently asserted.

Indeed, thats Wang Yun inside, definitely inside! Wu Mingyu scrutinized the footage and nodded, The physique, height, and even mannerisms match. Hes actually there. What could Wang Yun be planning? Why is he acting so recklessly? Whats his strategy?

At that moment, Captain Mitas boisterous laughter echoed nearby, Hahaha, what good fortune. Wang Yun is right inside Nancheng Bank. It seems our showdown with Wang Yun is about to begin.

Clutching a tablet, Captain Mitas gaze suddenly shifted towards Wu Mingyu and his team, as he slightly raised his head.

Wang Yun and his crew are right there, inside. Today, youll witness how Im going to claim Wang Yuns head, he declared, his face radiating defiance and brimming with confidence.

His eyes sparkled with a mix of excitement, eagerness, and intensity. Wang Yun was right there. He was resolute in his mission to take down Wang Yun today, to seize his head, and then to gain worldwide fame.

He was poised for a battle that would establish his reputation.

Success was not just a goal, it was a necessity.

He firmly believed in his inevitable victory. After all, he was the originator, Guiye Mita!

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Jisheng Chen

<time datetime="2024-01-11T18:08:02+00:00">January 11, 2024</time>

Okay, I misread the earlier chapter. I thought they were moving it to their van but it appears its only an empty room or something. Still a large amount but not as sketchy of a situation for Wang Yun at this time.

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