Are You Crazy? You're Telling Me This Is a Fugitive TV Show? - C.115 The World in Uproar! A Battle That Shakes the Heavens! (2)

Are You Crazy? You're Telling Me This Is a Fugitive TV Show?

C.115 The World in Uproar! A Battle That Shakes the Heavens! (2)

These past few days, Captain Mita had tauntingly provoked Captain Wu Mingyu and the rest, calling them useless, and boasting about taking down Wang Yun

And now, it ended like that. Just like that.

At this moment, Wang Yun was oblivious to the storm brewing online. His focus was on the Japan program inspectors converging on the building where he was perched. A chill spread across his face as he aimed his sniper rifle and opened fire.

Two of the advancing Japanese inspectors fell instantly as his sniper rifle, loaded with only twenty bullets, ran out of ammunition. Including the sniper he had taken down, Wang Yun had eliminated fifteen members of the Tennin Squad, one captain, and two ordinary program officers from the Japanese team.


Back at the Japanese programs special task force office, the three Captains sat stupefied. The elder in the middle wore a somber expression. Upon seeing two more of his inspectors shot, he grimly held the communicator and issued further orders, Continue the encirclement, the sniper rifle only had twenty bullets, surround the building immediately. We absolutely cannot let him escape.

Each of their Tennin Squads two snipers was equipped with only twenty bullets. Now that Wang Yuns ammunition was depleted, they sensed an opportunity.

There was still a chance, a sliver of hope.

Today, if they could successfully take out Wang Yun, they could salvage the reputation of the Japanese program inspection team. As long as Wang Yun was taken down, they could still turn the tide. Otherwise, they would become the worlds laughingstock.

Yes! came the resolute response.

The Japanese program officers, without any trace of hesitation, charged toward the building.

Charge, we must kill him today!

Captain Mita had regained his composure, his face dark and filled with icy fury. Gritting his teeth, he grabbed the submachine gun strapped to his side and charged toward the building. They had to take down Wang Yun. It was imperative. Anything less would be an unbearable disgrace.


The remaining elite members of the Tennin Squad, their eyes burning with fierce determination, quickly followed suit.

In such a short period, their formidable Tennin Squad had lost fifteen members. The scale of the loss was staggering.

Not far from the chaos, Kolyev and the rest of the Captains watched the unfolding scene in stunned silence.

Seeing the bodies strewn around them, they couldnt contain their outburst.

I knew it, I knew that monster couldnt be taken down so easily. Its true, what a freak. He was hiding outside all along. But then, who was that figure we saw earlier? Damn, were lucky we didnt act. If Wang Yun had wanted to target us, it would have been effortless for him.

At that moment, amidst their shock and relief, a shiver ran down their spines, and their scalps tingled with unease. They were fortunate to have held back. And it was a stroke of luck that the Japanese program inspection team had become the target instead. Otherwise, they would have been the ones facing devastating losses today.

Absolutely terrifying, Ying Yuezi murmured, her voice tinged with awe.

Who could have foreseen such a turn of events?

Last time at the factory, Wang Yun was actually hiding outside. He knew wed be on high alert, so he used a decoy to make us think he was inside the bank. He created a perfect illusion, Wang Yue said, her expression one of awe. Blurring the lines between reality and deception, hes truly incredible.

Hehe, the Japanese program inspection team has really embarrassed themselves this time. If Im not mistaken, Wang Yun was probably close by earlier. He must have overheard our conversation with the Japanese team. Otherwise, he wouldnt have so blatantly ridiculed Captain Mita, Wu Mingyu said, his eyes glittering with astonishment. Its truly breathtaking. But regardless, we must capture Wang Yun to avenge our brothers. His emergence is an opportunity for us.

Indeed, Sky Eagles, those of you in the air, lock onto Wang Yun and see if you can neutralize him, Wu Yaoming nodded. All officers, surround that building. Move out!

Yes, Captain!

The Sky Eagles and all other program officers responded promptly. They rapidly advanced toward the designated building.


Are they coming for me?

Atop the building, Wang Yun surveyed the scene below, a slight smirk playing on his lips. He chuckled softly, picked up the equipment next to him, and swiftly made his way to the edge of the rooftop.


Seizing the device he had acquired, Wang Yun released a rope that shot toward a nearby building. This gadget, procured from the Tennin Squad sniper, was the same special rope the elite Tennin members had used to infiltrate the Nancheng Bank. Remarkably, this single rope was valued at over two hundred thousand.

The rope launched, embedding itself firmly into the wall of the rooftop across.

Purchase god-level balance skill!

Wang Yun eyed the rope bridging the two buildings, gave it a firm tug to test its sturdiness, and found it utterly reliable.

Taking a deep breath, he boldly stepped onto the tightrope. Fifty meters up in the air, he made his daring move from one building to the other. His speed was astonishing, his balance impeccable.

Ah, no way! What is Big Brother doing? Tightrope walking fifty meters up without any safety gear?

I cant stop laughing just watching this! Is he even human?


What in the world?

Wang Yuns live broadcast was in full swing, with viewers watching in amazement. They had been speculating about his next escape move, but now they were witnessing Wang Yun traversing a high-altitude tightrope with no safety precautions.

This is insane! Im kneeling!

Viewers in the first-person perspective were nearly petrified with fear.

I Damn, report to the captain, Wang Yun is literally tightrope walking from the white building to another one.

In that instant, aboard the helicopter, Sky Eagle and his team witnessed this astounding scene, their eyes wide with shock as they reported back in utter disbelief.

In another helicopter of the Tennin Squad, the pilot witnessed this unbelievable scene and immediately radioed in, his voice tinged with shock, Report to Captain Mita, Wang Yun is defying all odds. Hes tightrope walking.

What? came the startled response from both Wu Mingyus group and the Japanese captains.

Since Wang Yun was on the rooftop, those below couldnt see his daring feat.

He walks from the white building to another using a rope, its incredible! the pilot continued his report.

Meanwhile, Wang Yun effortlessly navigated the twenty-meter high aerial rope bridge, swiftly reaching the position of a Tennin Squad sniper. The fallen sniper, now nothing more than a corpse, gazed up at Wang Yun, his face etched with terror.

Could this man even be real?

Without a moments hesitation, Wang Yun moved towards the sniper rifle.

Seeing this, Sky Eagles and the rest, alarmed by Wang Yuns actions, yelled frantically, Get down, take cover!

They had just witnessed Wang Yun take down a helicopter pilot. In response, both helicopters quickly retreated to a safe distance. The Japanese program inspection teams helicopter, in particular, ascended swiftly to escape.

Captain Mita, be cautious, Wang Yun has regained possession of a sniper rifle, the pilot warned loudly while ascending.

Too late!

With a sinister smile, Wang Yun quickly aimed his sniper rifle at a target below. His target was a member of the Tennin Squad near Captain Mita.


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