Are You Crazy? You're Telling Me This Is a Fugitive TV Show? - C.119: A Stunning Performance, Astonishing Magic, Rain of Money! (part 1)

Are You Crazy? You're Telling Me This Is a Fugitive TV Show?

C.119: A Stunning Performance, Astonishing Magic, Rain of Money! (part 1)

“Captain, have you seen the internet? Wang Yun has actually hacked into the official website account of Nancheng Bank and posted a message online.”

Meanwhile, at the headquarters of China’s program inspection team, they were immediately alerted about Wang Yun’s message spreading rapidly online.


Captain Wu Mingyu and the other captains were taken aback upon hearing this news, their faces mirroring their surprise. They quickly pulled out their smartphones to read the online post.

“Tonight at 6 PM, I, Wang Yun, will put on a grand performance under the sponsorship of Nancheng Bank. I invite all citizens of Nancheng to join the spectacle at the vicinity of Nansu Plaza.”

“Nancheng Bank? Is he making a move against Nancheng Bank? Could it be that his plans were successful yesterday?” Wang Yue voiced her shock at the message.

“No way!” Kolyev’s eyes widened in disbelief, “How could he possibly have succeeded? Their bank heist lasted only several minutes. If Wang Yun had acted beforehand, he would have had to hypnotize everyone, which seems utterly implausible. Without hypnotizing everyone, how on earth could he have accessed the vault and taken the money?”

He found it hard to believe. The bank’s security system was far more complex than just a vault. There were additional monitoring systems in place.

For example, an alarm system and direct scanning systems would be activated if someone approached the vault. Furthermore, any breach of these systems would immediately set off alarms.

In his view, the only feasible way to break into a bank was through sheer force. Overwhelming force, to break through. Yet clearly, Wang Yun hadn’t succeeded yesterday. In fact, he had fled.

Under these circumstances, how could it be possible for him to have taken any money?fđ«e𝚎we𝚋n𝐹𝘃el.đ—°đ—ŒđŠ

“We don’t have the specifics, but typically, Wang Yun issuing such a vengeful statement indicates he’ll definitely make an appearance today. This gives us a golden opportunity,” Wu Mingyu said, his eyes gleaming with anticipation.

“Yes, this indeed presents a great opportunity for us,” Ying Yuezi concurred, casting a glance toward Master Jue Ming and his disciples.

“We’ll handle the task of locating Wang Yun. However, since he has firearms and we’re not proficient with them, we’ll need the help of other program officers to neutralize him,” Master Jue Ming said.

“Rest assured, masters. Just find him for us, and we’ll handle the rest,” Wu Yaoming assured, nodding. “Given Wang Yun’s combat abilities, our chances of overtaking him in a direct confrontation are slim. However, a surprise attack with firearms could be highly effective. He is only human, after all.”

“Alright, we’ll deploy our people immediately, and I’ll also head to the scene to oversee the operations,” Kolyev agreed, nodding. “I’m curious to witness firsthand how Wang Yun plans to retaliate against Nancheng Bank and to see if he has managed to infiltrate it.”

“Understood,” the other Captains responded, nodding in agreement.

The management of Nancheng Bank, after checking the vault’s surveillance footage once more, confirmed that nothing was missing. They refrained from entering the vault themselves, fearing Wang Yun might have set up traps.

The vault was monitored by eight cameras, providing a clear view of its contents. The money was all accounted for. This left the bank’s chairman and general manager utterly perplexed, wondering how Wang Yun planned to retaliate against them.

“Regardless of his plan, let’s head over there first,” Wu Mingyu and his colleagues decided, “Wang Yun is unpredictable.”


As this news reached the China program inspection team, the teams from Japan and Thailand were also informed of the same development.

“He’s showing himself, making our work easier. If we encounter Wang Yun today, we’ll certainly capture him,” declared a key figure in the Japan program inspection team.

The Captain seated centrally rose slowly, his eyes flickering with determination.

“Bring the equipment. Today, the world will witness the art of Japan’s swordsmanship and samurai blades.”

“Yes, Master, here it is,” a middle-aged man nearby said as he respectfully handed over a set of equipment to the bald, middle-aged Captain.

“Alright, the rest of you prepare as well,” he nodded, instructing his disciples.

“Yes, Master,” they replied in unison.

The bald leader had six disciples under his wing, with Captain Mita being the youngest and most favored. The others included three middle-aged men, a young man, and an extraordinarily unique disciple–a towering figure standing at two meters tall and weighing at least 300 kilograms.

He stood there, like a mountain of muscle.

Captain Mita and his master donned a set of special gear resembling the outfits used in international fencing competitions. This gear covered their entire bodies, including their heads.

Crafted from the world’s finest bulletproof materials, the inner layer of the outfit mirrored the design of the world’s leading dragon-scale bulletproof vests. Only large-caliber firearms could potentially breach it. Even a barrage from a standard submachine gun couldn’t kill someone clad in this gear.

The helmet, also made from top-grade material, featured a front made of special aeronautical glass, shaped to a sharp point. This glass could deflect bullets, preventing them from penetrating.

In terms of cost and efficacy, this gear surpassed even that of the Tennin Squad, boasting greater expense and terror. Its defense capabilities were exceptionally strong, virtually allowing wearers to march forward under gunfire. Despite its robust protection, the design maintained flexibility, not compromising the wearer’s agility.

When Captain Mita, his master, and their five disciples suited up, they immediately radiated a formidable, deadly presence.

“Hehe, let’s go,” the bald middle-aged man said with a hint of a smile, having donned the outfit.

“Yes, Master. With your guidance, we will surely defeat Wang Yun,” Captain Mita said, clenching his fists and eyes blazing with vengeance.

He was determined to reclaim his honor.

“With Master Honei leading us, success is certain,” the other three Captains concurred, their faces brimming with confidence.

The bald middle-aged man before them had a reputation in Japan’s martial arts world as unshakable as Mount Tai. The group of seven set out, accompanied only by the remaining eight members of the Tennin Squad. This time, they decided not to deploy any other program officers, opting against the use of firearms.


As the Japanese team departed in their unique gear, a similar scene unfolded at the Thai program inspection team’s base. The Thai inspectors were also decked out in unusual attire, driving out fully clad in gear that covered them from head to toe.

Both countries’ program inspection teams were rapidly converging toward Nansu Plaza.


“What’s all this about? They look like they’re dressed for outer space!”

“The Japanese team brought more people, and it’s getting weirder. They’re not even carrying guns. And the Thai team, all wrapped up like that, what’s their plan?”

“You don’t get it? Their gear is bulletproof, made from the finest bulletproof materials in the world. The Japanese team this time has Honei Kouten, a revered figure in Japanese martial arts. He is renowned for his formidable prowess. Rumor has it he once single-handedly decimated a Yakuza gang. As for the Thai team, they’re known as the Muay Thai Squad, comprised of the most elite Muay Thai fighters in Thailand. Thai boxing and martial arts are no joke!”

“Seriously? That impressive?”

“Dressed like that, are they planning a hand-to-hand showdown with Wang Yun? They can see through his disguises, but why not just use guns? A simple shot would do.”

“The Japanese and Thai program inspection teams are evidently showcasing their national martial arts. Moreover, they likely lack proficiency with firearms. They’re more formidable in close combat. Also, considering Wang Yun’s activity is centered in the city, where there will be many civilians, firearms would be impractical. Cold weapons might be more effective.”

“Although their gear is quite eye-catching. Aren’t they worried Big Brother will spot them?”

“If they go without the gear, Wang Yun could easily take them down if he sees them. The gear, though noticeable, might be mistaken by Wang Yun as cosplay. It’s uncertain, but I bet they might cover up with clothes to blend in.”

“If it does come down to hand-to-hand combat, that’ll be quite a show. Wang Yun is also exceptionally skilled in hand-to-hand combat.”

Many intrigued viewers from China were tuning into the Japanese and Thai livestreams, following the developments with a mix of surprise and speculation.

The internet was abuzz with various discussions and information, as netizens eagerly commented. The inspection teams from China, Japan, and Thailand converged rapidly around Nansu Plaza, a space that was modest in size.

As the three teams met, there was a moment of cautious observation.


Inside the Chinese program task force’s office, Wu Mingyu and his colleagues were taken aback to see the gear of the Japanese and Thai inspection team members on the surveillance cameras. The members from both countries started to don disguises, temporarily removing their distinct headgear and carrying it.

“What are the Japanese and Thai teams up to?” Wang Yue asked, her face etched with curiosity.

“They’re likely wearing specialized gear, top-tier bulletproof protection,” Wu Yaoming remarked, his eyes gleaming with insight.

“These are all exceptionally strong fighters,” Master Jue Ming observed, his gaze sweeping across Honei Kouten, Captain Mita, and the members of the Thai program inspection team. His eyes narrowed with assessment.

“Strong fighters?” Kolyev asked, slightly surprised as he looked towards them.

“Yes, in a fight to the death, any one of them could corner your disciple. Some of them have been dedicated to martial arts training for at least twenty to thirty years,” Master Jue Ming clarified.

