Are You Crazy? You're Telling Me This Is a Fugitive TV Show? - C.134: Clash and Standoff: Eliminate Wang Yun to Gain Fame

Are You Crazy? You're Telling Me This Is a Fugitive TV Show?

C.134: Clash and Standoff: Eliminate Wang Yun to Gain Fame

On a slightly secluded road, all members of Singapore’s program inspection team were frowning deeply. They glared at the vehicles beside them, their faces betraying a mix of coldness and discomfort.

They held great confidence in this operation. In their view, the chances of capturing Wang Yun this time were exceptionally high. The sudden appearance of the team from South Korea left them feeling quite annoyed and unwilling to back down.

“Force them to stop,” Captain Ola commanded coldly.

“Understood, Captain!”

Without any hesitation, Singapore’s three large vehicles immediately maneuvered to block the South Korean cars.

The South Korean inspection team had a total of ten vehicles, all ordinary sedans. After being deliberately cut off, the ten cars promptly stopped.

From the lead vehicle, three middle-aged men in suits stepped out, fixing their gaze on the vehicles of the Singapore program inspection team with slightly furrowed brows.

Captain Ola and his team also disembarked from their vehicles. Fully armed and significantly taller, they stood half a head taller than the members of the South Korean program inspection team on average.

“Why is South Korea’s program inspection team following us?” Captain Ivan swept his gaze over them, asking expressionlessly.

“Following you? You gentlemen from Singapore can stay put, and we’ll go ahead. Let’s see if we’re actually following you,” the middle-aged captain of the South Korean program inspection team retorted with a cold smirk.

“Hehe, then, may I ask what South Korea intends to do?” the Singapore team’s Captains and elite members asked with a hint of skepticism.

“Our actions do not require Singapore’s approval,” the middle-aged Captain of the South Korean team responded calmly, looking ahead, “We’re here to pick up a friend. It won’t interfere with your operations.”

“Please, don’t delay us,” he added, checking the time on his watch.

Behind him, elite members of the South Korea program inspection team also stepped out of their vehicles, equally well-armed and facing off against the Singapore team, ready for a confrontation at any moment.

“Well then, since that’s the case, we’ll let you proceed first,” Captain Ola and his team briefly made eye contact and addressed the South Korea team.

They gestured, and their vehicles cleared a path.

“Move out,” the Captains of South Korea commanded their drivers, and their vehicles resumed their journey.

“Captain Park, it seems the Singapore team has also pinpointed Wang Yun. We need to be vigilant,” a young captain in the leading vehicle advised Captain Park behind him.

“That appears to be the case. Surprising they matched our pace so closely,” Captain Park glanced at the rearview mirror, his expression thoughtful, and instructed the driver, “Speed up slightly.”

“Understood, Captain,” the driver promptly responded, and the convoy’s speed significantly increased.

“Wang Yun belongs to us, to South Korea,” Captain Park muttered, checking the distance on the map. “We’re about ten minutes away from the prison. Captain Lee, can we hack into the prison’s internal surveillance?”

“No, the prison uses an isolated local area network. We can’t break into it,” Captain Lee, seated in the passenger seat, shook his head. “We could call the prison to get some preliminary information.”

“For safety reasons, let’s not contact them just yet. We’ll get in touch once we’re at the gate. Given Wang Yun’s skills, if he intends to break out, it shouldn’t pose much of a problem. Based on the information we have, it’s very likely Wang Yun entered the prison to rescue his subordinates.”

“He’s daring, using this method to enter the prison and attempt a rescue, truly remarkable,” Captain Park shook his head, expressing his admiration.

“Wang Yun is indeed formidable, but the prison’s security level is high, with fully armed teams inside. Planning an escape from the prison would require some time, as any slight misstep would alert all inspection teams,” another Captain in the vehicle added.

“Let’s go ahead, then. Ideally, we should eliminate Wang Yun before the Singapore team does,” Captain Park said, his eyes gleaming with determination. “Once we see Wang Yun, shoot on sight without hesitation.”


The other captains nodded in agreement, taking out their communicators to pass the order to all their subordinates. The moment they encounter Wang Yun, they were instructed not to hesitate but to eliminate him on sight.


“Captain Ivan, it looks like South Korea has also discovered Wang Yun, just like us,” a Captain from the Singapore team said, frowning as he observed the vehicles ahead.

“When we find Wang Yun, I and all the elite members will block off South Korea’s team. You all take the opportunity to eliminate Wang Yun. Wang Yun’s head must be ours,” Captain Ivan said with determination in his eyes.

The rest nodded their heads firmly. After all, the one to take down Wang Yun would be deemed the victor. This achievement could make them instantly famous. On this matter, the strategies of the two major program inspection teams were surprisingly aligned.

“Call the prison and inform them of our intentions. Tell them not to alarm the target and to cooperate with us.”

The program inspection teams from both countries hurried toward the heavy-security prison in Nancheng.

By 8:05 AM, the prison came into their sight. Both program inspection teams simultaneously issued an order to contact the prison staff.

“Set up drone surveillance around the perimeter.”

“Helicopters should hover overhead. Ensure not even a mosquito can escape.”

The captains of both the Singapore and South Korea program inspection teams gave their orders at the same time. Their vehicles rapidly pulled up at the prison entrance.

Rustling sounds filled the air as over twenty Captains and elite members from Singapore disembarked. Similarly, South Korea’s team also boasted more than twenty Captains and elite members.

They exchanged glances, their eyes shimmering with intensity as they tightened their grip on their weapons. Were it not for the program’s rules, they might have already clashed in a direct confrontation to determine who would claim the prey.



However, at that moment, in the prison’s surveillance room, all the personnel scheduled for the shift change had just been neutralized.

As Wang Yun was about to proceed to the next step, he was momentarily taken aback by what he saw on the monitors. The entrance was clearly displayed on the screen, showing both the Singapore and South Korea program inspection teams, along with their vehicles.

“Are those the program inspection teams? They’ve actually come here?” Wang Yun immediately stood up, his eyes wide with surprise.

“That means I’ve been exposed,” he murmured, his expression one of shock.

How did these two program inspection teams find him?

Not through his appearance, surely.

The hotel?

Wang Yun’s mind raced. His gaze returned to the monitors, focusing on the vehicles.

“Brother Hu, the program inspection teams are outside. We’ve been discovered. Send a few savvy subordinates, really sharp ones, to pretend to be prison guards and open the prison gates to let them in. All other subordinates should also pose as prison guards around the area, ready to follow my commands,” Wang Yun immediately ordered.

“What? Boss, have we been discovered?” Brother Hu asked in slight surprise.

“Yes, but they’re still unaware of what’s happening inside the prison. Let’s draw them all in,” Wang Yun commanded, his eyes gleaming with a menacing intensity. “Quickly send someone over. You few can’t risk being exposed, let the others handle it.”

“Understood, Boss. I’ll send Old Song. He was a professor, he’s perfectly capable of dealing with such situations. Plus, we have a couple of guys who were involved in major frauds. They’re pretty good at talking their way out,” Brother Hu said promptly.

“Good, make sure there are no slip-ups. Once they arrive, they’ll definitely search for me. Just direct them to the cell I was in yesterday. And get ten subordinates armed with submachine guns to join me,” Wang Yun ordered.

“Got it, Boss,” Brother Hu immediately replied.


“Captain, we’ve tried calling the prison but couldn’t get through,” at the entrance, the program inspection personnel from Singapore and South Korea stood waiting.

Members from both teams reported back with this update.

“What? The call didn’t go through?”

This news caused the captains of both program inspection teams to furrow their brows in concern.

However, just then, the prison’s main gate unexpectedly swung open. Members from both teams tightened their grip on their weapons and vigilantly peered inside.

As the gate opened, three middle-aged individuals dressed in prison guard uniforms were taken aback upon seeing a group outside aiming their guns at them.

They quickly spoke up, “Hmm? Who are you? Are those helicopters yours? Helicopter flights over the prison are prohibited. This area is a no-fly zone.”

Captain Ola assessed the three guards and waved his hand, signaling his team to lower their firearms.

“We’re from the Singapore program inspection team,” Captain Ola introduced themselves.

“Oh, the program inspection team? Of course, of course, apologies. We’re usually in meetings every morning. If it weren’t for the helicopter overhead, our captain wouldn’t have asked us to come out to see, and we wouldn’t have known you were here. We’ve been informed and will fully cooperate with you,” Old Song said, offering a friendly smile and an explanation to ease their alertness, gesturing with his hand, “Please, come in.”

“We’re here looking for Wang Yun,” a few Captains from the South Korean program inspection team announced as they made their way inside.

“Wang Yun?” Old Song appeared puzzled as he faced them, “I’m a bit confused, Captain. Just let us know what you need, and we’ll comply.”

“Did a middle-aged man named Wang Hongshan, accused of assault, get brought here last night?” Captain Ola also stepped in quickly, addressing Old Song.

“I’m not sure, let me check with my colleague,” Old Song said, shaking his head before pulling out a communicator. “Xiao Li, Xiao Li, did we get a new inmate named Wang Hongshan yesterday?”

“Yes, Wang Hongshan was brought in last night for severely injuring three people. What’s up, Brother Song?” a voice quickly responded through the communicator.

“Is he still inside?” Old Song pressed on.

“Yes, of course, he’s still inside,” the voice confirmed.

“Great, keep an eye on him, we’re on our way over,” Old Song immediately replied, turning to the program inspection teams from Singapore and South Korea.

“Please let this brother lead the way,” he addressed the program Captains.

Upon hearing this, the eyes of all members from the Singapore and South Korea program inspection teams lit up with excitement and intensity.

Old Song nodded and led them straight inside, with Captain Ola and his Singapore team following on the right, while the South Korean program inspection team took the left. The two large teams, totaling more than fifty people, were visibly excited and eager.

Old Song led them through, while some prison guards observed them, giving them a quick look.


After turning their heads, they wore a sinister smile. The prison was expansive, and after three minutes, they reached the front of a particular cell.

“Brother Song!” Xiao Li approached from the front, smiling as he came over.

“Which cell is he in? Lead us there,” Old Song directed Xiao Li.

“In the cell at the very end, that’s Wang Hongshan, a middle-aged man with a fair complexion,” Xiao Li nodded, pointing toward the innermost cell.

The moment he finished speaking, Captain Ola and his Singapore team from the right side immediately took steps forward, striding toward the cell. Simultaneously, the Captains of the South Korean program inspection team on the left side fixed their gaze and moved forward decisively.

However, at that moment, the elite members of the Singapore program inspection team made their way toward them, using their robust physiques to try and block the members of the South Korean team.

“Gentlemen from Singapore, don’t go too far,” Captain Park, seeing this, his gaze sharpened as he drew his inspection gun and coldly addressed all members of the Singapore team.


Captain Ola of Singapore snorted, continuing toward the front without looking back, “That Wang Yun is ours.”

“Hehe, just because you say he belongs to you, he does? I say he belongs to us,” Captain Lee gestured with his arm, revealing an electric baton in his hand.

The baton, once activated, emitted a glow. It was specially designed to counter top-tier equipment. In close combat, this high-voltage electric baton could instantly incapacitate someone, even if Wang Yun was wearing top-level protective gear.

“If it weren’t for the program’s rules, I would have already taken you out,” Captain Ivan stood firm, his gaze piercing as he coldly addressed all members of the South Korean team.

They intended to block South Korea’s path. The elite members of the Singapore team halted as well. Only Captain Ola and three other captains continued to stride forward.

“Singapore, you’re already breaching the rules. If you decide to do so, then don’t blame us for breaking them as well. Captains, if you dare take another step forward, we’re ready to take you out right here,” Captain Park, noticing their attempt to block their way, aimed his firearm directly at the advancing captains of the Singapore team with a chilling glare.

The elite members of the South Korean team immediately readied their weapons.

“Singapore, if you think you can steal our victory, even if it means breaking the rules, we won’t let you succeed. You really think we’re afraid of you?” Captain Park challenged them, his voice stern, “Today, the credit for capturing and eliminating Wang Yun belongs to South Korea, and we will not be shortchanged.”

Captains Ola and Ivan saw the determined stance of the South Korean team, ready for combat, their expressions turning sour. Engaging in battle now would lead to massive losses for both sides.

A misstep could result in mutual destruction.

Yet, the prospect of eliminating Wang Yun alone was too alluring. They, too, wanted for the fame that would come with such a feat.

