Are You Crazy? You're Telling Me This Is a Fugitive TV Show? - C.81 The Devils Whisper in Your Ear


My god, my god!!!

Im getting chills watching this. Wang Yun is completely toying with Captain Hong Feng and his team in the palm of his hand.

The control, such a terrifying control. Did you realize that from the very start, Wang Yun was strategizing, orchestrating the entire scene?

From the first magic trick of turning eggs into flowers, he was setting the stage, leading the audience to believe that the eggs were props capable of turning into flowers. Wang Yun was waiting for the officers to arrive, setting up the audience to throw the eggs as an act of blatant humiliation!

This level of control is horrifying, everything under Big Brothers grasp, calling for Captain Hong Feng, predicting they wouldnt dare to shoot. It was all calculated.

Indeed, its terrifyingly cunning. Big Brothers tactics are too frightening. But as Captain Wu Mingyu said, magic is just magic. Big Brother should still be on the stage!

The elderly Wang Yun has been targeted by the captains, so Big Brothers escape is a question mark. This battle, so far, is Big Brothers victory, but only a successful escape will mark his ultimate triumph.

In the livestream, on the internet, all viewers were completely astounded by the unfolding drama. It was an explosion of reactions, even more shocking than the earlier chants.

Captain Hong Feng had provoked Wang Yun, only to end up in this predicament. Utterly disheveled, pelted with rotten eggs, and Wang Yun brilliantly used the banner given by Hong Feng as a prop in his magic act. The word Rat stood out starkly, serving as a resounding slap in the face.

If Wang Yun wasnt arrested next, it would be a total and utter defeat, a profound humiliation. To quote Captain Wang Yue, the physical damage might be minimal, but the insult is immensely profound.

In the public awareness livestream, Shen Hao spoke with his eyes wide in shock, This is truly terrifying, especially that phrase Welcome, welcome to my world. Its absolutely explosive.

Indeed, its very impressive. This time, Wang Yuns chances of escaping are high. He orchestrated the entire event, planning this throughout the entire day. Everyone acted according to his plot, right from the morning until now, Director Fang also commented with a hint of admiration. He had resolved in his heart to bring this formidable figure to the central bureau. freewebnov

At this moment, the live broadcast relayed Captain Wu Yaomings calm command, The elder Wang Yun is now heading into a shopping mall. Move to the mall immediately. We cant let him escape.

The pursuit had already started. In front of Nansu Plaza, a group of program officers were chasing the elder Wang Yun.

The magic troupes stage was surrounded by program officers. Hong Feng stood there, his face stern, holding an prop gun. Thirty program officers, also armed, aimed at every individual on the stage.

We are the enforcement officers from the Skynet Operation team, please cooperate with us, Captain Hong Feng addressed the twenty audience members on the stage, as well as Chen Wen and Hong Qianqian.

Were aware of the Skynet Operation show, and well definitely cooperate.

Was that guy just now acting as fugitive Wang Yun? That was incredibly cool.

The audience on stage was visibly astonished by everything unfolding before them. By now, they had realized that they were part of a scheme devised by Wang Yun.

That Wang Yun is so impressive. Captain Hong Feng, Wang Yun said you came to seek justice for our Hu Mountain unfinished building, is that true? one of the audience members on stage suddenly asked, with the rest of the crowd turning their attention to Hong Feng, their faces filled with anticipation.

Captain Hong Fengs expression soured. For the audience, this might have seemed like just a show, but for Hong Feng, it was a battlefield. A war he couldnt afford to lose. He was determined to apprehend Wang Yun. As for the promise of justice, he was clueless about what that was about.

Just then, several police officers approached, Ladies and gentlemen, we will ensure justice is served. In fact, weve already been investigating Shao Fengyun and have gathered substantial evidence. Rest assured, your concerns will be addressed, and your interests protected,

They then signaled to Captain Hong Feng, Captain Hong Feng, we will take the suspect into custody. Your program can proceed normally.

Understood, Hong Feng nodded in acknowledgment to the officers.

Thats fantastic, Captain Hong Feng, we fully support you, the excited audience on stage exclaimed.

Thank you, everyone. Please, exit the stage one by one, Captain Hong Feng said to the crowd, his tone now more relaxed.

The audience members nodded and proceeded to exit in an orderly fashion. The program officers carefully checked each individual to ensure no one was in disguise.

After the twenty audience members had stepped down, Hong Feng turned to Chen Wen and Hong Qianqian, his brow furrowed, Why did you help him? You must realize that in a real-world scenario, this would constitute criminal behavior.

Brother Wang Yun saved the lives of our family of four. He didnt tell us about his plans for today. Moreover, he insisted on giving me ten thousand yuan as a helping fee, even though I initially refused, Chen Wen responded to Hong Feng.

Captain Hong Feng listened and then gestured dismissively. Though ignorance isnt innocence, Chen Wen and his wife had effectively done little more than help set up the stage.

Disassemble this stage, he ordered the program officers.

The program officers nodded, beginning to dismantle the stage piece by piece. The stage, standing over a meter tall, had enough space underneath to conceal someone. Hong Feng held his gun, aiming into the recess beneath.

Three seconds later, an officers shout pierced the air, Dont move, dont move, Ill shoot immediately if you do.

Captain Hong Feng, we got him, weve caught Wang Yun! He was hiding here underneath, the stage has a hidden compartment. Just as Captain Wu Mingyu said, magic is just an illusion, it cant really make someone disappear so easily.

Excited exclamations followed. Captain Hong Feng, hearing this, sharpened his focus. He swiftly moved towards the site, clutching his gun tightly. Had they succeeded? Had Wang Yun truly been arrested?


What? Big bros getting arrested?

Is he really caught? Like Captain Wu Mingyu said, is all a magicians illusion, and big bro never actually escaped?

No way, after such a grand spectacle tonight, Big Brother is still getting arrested?

In the livestream, all the viewers witnessing this scene, hearing the officers shouts and excitement, showed expressions of astonishment.

Did you really think Big Brother is a god? Its normal to get arrested after all this, hes already done so much!

Is this the grand finale, the end of Big Brothers life of crime?

I have a feeling its not that simple, some viewers expressed their disbelief through comments.

Then, from underneath the stage, a voice emerged as a young man slowly stood up, Ladies and gentlemen, Im just an ordinary person, just an ordinary person.

Upon seeing him rise and recognize his face, the program officers aimed their guns at him and shouted, Hands on your head!

Captain Hong Fengs gaze fixated on the young man, his pupils narrowing slightly.

The face indeed resembled Wang Yuns, exactly like the first appearance they had uncovered. However, Hong Feng noticed a discrepancy. The hands were rougher than Wang Yuns. Wang Yuns hands were fine, slender, and strong, with a somewhat pale complexion.

Whats this?

Shaking slightly, a mix of defeat and resignation on his face, Hong Feng lowered his gun and approached the man. He reached toward his face, peeling away what turned out to be a human-skin mask, revealing the mans actual face beneath.

Captain Hong Feng, I was only paid to perform. I knew nothing about the rest, I only found out now that he was Wang Yun, the young man explained, hesitating a bit before adding, Also, that big brother wanted me to relay a message to you. He said, Take your banner back with you, I have no need for it.

Hearing this, Captain Hong Feng went completely silent. He had long realized that the chances of capturing Wang Yun were exceedingly slim, barely ten percent. Yet, this small possibility had been the basis of his hope until now.


Eh? I knew it, I knew Big Brother couldnt be caught so easily. After staging such a huge spectacle today, how could he be easily captured?

666, Big Brother actually had a stand-in, was the elderly man we saw before the real Big Bro?

When did Big Bro switch with his stand-in? We didnt notice anything at all!

In the livestream, the audience watching this scene once again expressed their astonishment. A stand-in! This young man was merely a stand-in. Possessing human-skin masks, Wang Yun could not only disguise himself but could also do the same for others.

Impressive, truly formidable.

Captain Hong Feng, theres some bad news.

Just then, Hong Fengs communicator rang, carrying Wu Yaomings voice, tinged with defeat, We caught the elder Wang Yun, but it turned out not to be him, just an actor wearing a human skin mask. The real Wang Yun might might have already melted into the crowd and left. He also has a fourth face that we havent seen yet, and currently, were clueless about what it looks like. Furthermore, there are too many people near the stage, and the faces under surveillance are too unclear to pinpoint him. We let him escape, weve lost.

Weve lost. The phrase echoed in Hong Fengs mind, overwhelming him. He couldnt help but look up at the sky, his eyes devoid of any spark.

He exhaled a weary breath, his face a picture of helplessness. From an attack full of confidence, eager for a real challenge, to provoke and invite his opponent to dance on the knifes edge, he ended up building a stage only to be cruelly mocked. The stench of the eggs that had covered him now seemed insignificant compared to the crushing sense of defeat.

For the first time in his life, he was experiencing such a complete defeat. He felt utterly trampled, as if he and his adversary were not even in the same league.

I lost, completely and utterly. From start to finish, I was merely a pawn in his game, haha, haha

At that moment, he was on the brink of breaking down. Hong Feng forced a bitter smile, his face reflecting utter defeat, Im not even in the same league as him.


Eh? Looks like Captain Hong Feng has been hit hard this time.

Of course, Captain Hong Feng is devastated. Any genius would be, being so completely overpowered without any chance to retaliate.

Ah, I feel sorry for Captain Hong Feng. I hope he bounces back.

Blame it on Big Brother being too formidable. Captain Hong Feng did the best he could.

In the livestream, all the viewers saw the dejected Captain Hong Feng. Watching this rather melancholy scene, they couldnt help but send a stream of sympathetic comments.

Captain Hong Feng, this isnt like a qualified program inspection captain. Its okay to lose, but you mustnt accept defeat. In reality, some officers tirelessly pursue a case for decades without giving up. Are you discouraged now? Yes, hes strong, stronger than you, but you still have a team, you have us, and all the program inspection officers. The strength of a team is the ultimate power.

In the program task force room, Jiang Youshan, witnessing Hong Fengs disheartened state, couldnt help but chide him, his voice softening at the end.

Hong Feng, standing there, absorbed Jiang Youshans words through the communicator. After a moment of silence, he began to rally, his gaze steadily regaining resolve.

Indeed, the senior is right. This time I admit Ive lost, and Ive lost thoroughly, but I wont give up. As you said, senior, I have you, I have other partners. Inspectors never fight alone, its about perfect cooperation with colleagues, the collective efforts of each inspector, and never giving up.

True strength lies in possessing a resilient heart, one that refuses to concede. Which world-class detective has never faced defeat? Wang Yue added her words of encouragement.

Thanks to all four captains. Im fine. Ive been too confident, thinking I could match Wang Yun or that my failure at Nansu Square was just a lapse in judgment. Haha, I overestimated myself and underestimated Wang Yun, Hong Feng said, a smile breaking across his face, visibly more at ease. Moving forward, I will continue to give my all.


Captain Hong Feng is quick to recover.

Thats the mark of a genius, isnt it? Bouncing back so swiftly, truly impressive!

Every successful person has their reasons. Captain Hong Feng is indeed someone to learn from and respect.

Im even more of a fan now. Ive always been a loyal supporter of Captain Hong Feng, and my admiration has only grown. I believe Captain Hong Feng will eventually catch Wang Yun.

In the livestream, some viewers, observing Hong Fengs rapid readjustment, engaged in admiring discussions.

Though Captain Hong Feng suffered a total defeat this time, it didnt diminish his exceptional qualities.

Its just that Wang Yun is too extraordinary. His level of control today was overpowering. Anyone in his place would have lost, one viewer in the livestream remarked, unable to hide their astonishment.

Indeed, todays Spectacular Thief act was utterly mind-blowing. He commanded the entire scene, effortlessly toying with the program officers.

Hes incredibly powerful. With the thieving prowess Brother Yun demonstrated tonight, he truly deserves the title of a God Thief!

The audience engaged in animated discussions. The incredible events of the night spread across multiple platforms, catapulting God Thief Wang Yun to the top of trending searches. His performance left netizens awestruck, further cementing his widespread fame.

Additionally, the popularity of the Skynet Operation program skyrocketed, reaching an extraordinary level of viewership. During the evening peak hours, the combined audience across all live streams exceeded a staggering eighty million a truly intimidating figure.

Im just wondering, is there anything that Big Brother cant steal?

How powerful is Big Brother, really? Each time he unveils his formidable capabilities, it makes one wonder about the extent of his intellect.

These two questions set off a wave of discussion among viewers. Since the debut of the Skynet Operation program, Wang Yuns demonstrated thievery skills were nothing short of miraculous. This led to a flurry of guesses and conjectures among the netizens.

At the magic troupe stage in Nansu Plaza, Captain Hong Feng, having fully regained his composure, addressed the gathered program inspectors, Lets wrap up and head back. Next, well see if we can uncover Wang Yuns fourth disguise. To those of you who got hit by stink eggs, youve done a great job, go and get yourselves cleaned up.

All right, Captain Hong Feng, the program inspection team members responded, nodding in agreement. Their spirits were notably low, as the failure to apprehend their target meant their own failure as well.

Stay safe, Captain Hong Feng advised them, his eyes moving to the banner nearby. He approached it slowly, folding it carefully. This banner, this endeavor, shall be my greatest motivator. From now on, I shall always remind myself to stay alert.

Holding the banner, Captain Hong Feng mumbled to himself as he headed to his car. On the way, numerous onlookers excitedly snapped photos. A young girl shouted encouragingly, Captain Hong Feng, keep it up! Ive been a fan of your case-solving articles for five years. Youre the best!

Thank you. I will, Hong Feng replied with a smile, raising his fist in response, Well definitely catch Wang Yun.

I believe in you, Captain Hong Feng, the girl laughed, raising her fist again in a supportive gesture.

Hong Feng waved back, feeling much more uplifted. He made his way to the roadside parking lot and got into his car. freewebn ovel.c om

We will catch you, Wang Yun. Just wait, he muttered, gripping the steering wheel tightly, his eyes flickering with renewed determination. Though defeated this time, he was not one to accept defeat. He would only grow stronger from this setback, eagerly anticipating the day he would apprehend Wang Yun.

Suddenly, a voice emerged from the backseat, chillingly close and teasing, Heh, I dont know if you can catch me, but now, Captain Hong Feng, Ive caught you.

Upon hearing this voice, Hong Feng felt a shiver down his spine. Goosebumps erupted all over his skin, and fear flashed in his eyes. The next second, he sensed the cold barrel of a gun pressed against his head.

Captain Hong Feng, you surely dont think the showdown tonight ends just like this, do you? The sinister voice whispered in his ear, painting his eyes with sheer terror.

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