Farming in the Mountains: Max Level Jiaojiao Is Three Years Old - C.1047 - : UnrestrainedMar 30, 2024


Translator: Endless?antasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

They were playing extremely lively and festive music, causing the people who had already arrived to cheer.

Then came the drumbeats, the pipa, the zither, and so on. They were all excitedly creating music.

Perhaps it was because they had heard it too many times, but many people were able to dance along. They kept nodding and jumping along with the spot. They were extremely happy. They even had to shout when they talked to each other.

Jiang Yue was held by Xue Yan. As they got closer and closer to the front, she mistakenly thought that they had entered a large bar and everyone was dancing.

Although there were no bright lights, there were torches lit all around. There was also a shelf in the middle. There were many stars in the dark sky. It was a unique scene.

Although the people on the drill ground were happy, Jiang Yue was very calm.

Xue Yan held Jiang Yueā€™s hand with one hand and Sanfuā€™s hand with the other. It was also because Sanfu was too tall. Jiang Yueā€™s height only reached Sanfuā€™s knees, so it was not appropriate for Sanfu to hold Jiang Yueā€™s hand. If he bent down to hold her hand, Sanfu would find it difficult to walk. Therefore, he could only hold Xue Yanā€™s hand. However, Sanfu was making sure that they were not injured by looking around in case anyone was not paying attention and bumped into or stepped on them.

Sanfu was so tall that even if someone didnā€™t notice them, they would be able to see him at a glance. Then, they would naturally be able to see Sanfu holding a childā€™s hand. They would naturally pay attention to his feet so that they wouldnā€™t bump into or step on the kids. freeweb novel. com

The ground was much livelier than he had expected.

Although the music played by the instruments was not in tune at times, it did not affect the lively atmosphere at all.

This was the first time he had seen so many people playing so happily together. They were jumping and cheering, and everyone was unrestrained. However, they couldnā€™t see where Wufu was due to the densely packed crowd.

Xue Yan looked towards Jiang Yue.

Jiang Yue shook her head, indicating that she could not see where he was either.

Then, the two of them raised their heads in unison and asked Sanfu, ā€œSanfu, do you see where Wufu is?ā€

Although there were many tall people in the military camp, Xue Sanfuā€™s height was still above the average in the crowd. It was extremely eye-catching.

However, there were indeed too many people around, so Xue Wufuā€™s shadow was not seen. Xue Sanfu did not know where Xue Wufu was now.

Xue Sanfu also shook his head.

ā€œIā€™ll go and find Wufu right away!ā€ Shiye immediately said.

As he said that, he squeezed into the crowd and squeezed to the front.

Seeing Xue Wufu squatting behind the stage with the flag on his shoulder, telling a group of flag soldiers who were also squatting with the flag on their shoulders about how to make their appearance today, he hurriedly walked over.

As soon as Xue Wufu heard that Sanfu, Xue Yan, and Jiang Yue had arrived, he hurriedly stood up and carried the flag over his shoulder. He squeezed through the crowd and came to Sanfu, Xue Yan, and Jiang Yueā€™s side.

There were four people behind him. They were buzzing with excitement and looked like they were having fun. They all squeezed together with him.

Xue Wufu was so focused on finding Sanfu, Xue Yan, and Jiang Yue, that he didnā€™t notice anyone following behind him. However, Jiang Yue and Xue Yan saw it at a glance. When Wufu squeezed out of the crowd, there were four people following behind him. They were four teenagers, about 12 or 13 years old, and they were also carrying flags..

The source of this cšØntent is freewe(b)novel

