Loser System and Berserker Me - C.103: To Rot or Not To Rot

Loser System and Berserker Me

C.103: To Rot or Not To Rot

【What a lovely day, waking up from my sleep.】

System 12345 was in a subtle mood. It had a feeling that its internship was doomed, but at the same time, it harbored a sliver of expectation.

What if things worked out?

But it understood that hope was but a mere glimmer.

My host only knows how to fight wars. Would he obediently date Charlemagne even if he can’t beat her?

Thus, System 12345 decided to take the stance of Schr?dinger's cat, maintaining a state in between rotting and not.

Taking a nap after encountering difficulties? No, that’s resting before dealing with the problems.

【Eh? My host, how did you do it?】

System 12345 exclaimed upon seeing the screen.

【Charlemagne has suffered a huge blow. She’s starting to waver in her self-belief that she’s the destined conqueror of the world. On top of that, she harbors certain feelings toward you

Is my host
 about to succeed? The most difficult part about conquering this boss is to wake her up from her delusions of grandeur that she’s the destined conqueror of the world, and my host appears to have achieved that

How did he do it? Is my host actually amazing?

Upon realizing that fighting is out of the question, he immediately changes his route and is still able to make such miraculous progress.

System 12345 was all hyped up.

【WOOOO!!! This is terrific!】

【My host, I knew that you could do it! Go and break a leg and conquer Charlemagne!】

【Tear down her defenses with your warm heart. Make her realize that she is no Eternal Emperor but a woman who desires happiness! Convince her to put down her scepter and her golden sphere!】

Zk zik zzk


【Spoiled again? I shouldn’t have been so cheap back then to buy this second-handed good. The owner promised me that it’s barely used
 but I should have known better than to expect quality from cheap stuff.】

The Eternal City was burning.

Intense sword clashes could be heard everywhere. Cackling flames tore down the buildings. Screams, roars, and wails filled the street.

Bit by bit, the Metal Fortresses shattered the heads of those arrogant enough to resist.

Most of them were stubborn cardinals and religious fanatics. They wore their armor and wielded spears and bows to fight the Metal Fortresses to their death. Should they admit that Shu Yichao was really a Horseman of the Apocalypse, it would mean that they were defying the Lord’s will.

Even though we keep mistresses, give out high-interest loans, steal other people’s businesses, and have a huge bunch of illegitimate children, we are still faithful to the Lord! Thus, we have to fight these demons to our dying breath!

So, they died.

Even trained soldiers weren’t a match for the Metal Fortresses. How could a bunch of people who picked up their weapons at the spur of the moment possibly be able to stop them?

Of course, Shu Yichao couldn’t care less.

He raced to the basilica with a small army of Metal Fortresses, where a glaringly red target shone on the minimap.

“Looks like a boss battle.”

Shu Yichao walked into the majestic cathedral. This place remained peaceful and serene, forming a stark contrast to the massacre happening outside.

Its walls were tall, made out of heavy stones stacked on one another, making one feel insignificant and humbled. The candles lit on the ceiling candelabras emanated a faint smoke that dimmed the place, though it also made it look solemn and divine.

Vibrant glass walls took in the golden rays of the sun to shine murals as beautiful as poems.

Tak. Tak.

Shu Yichao slowly made his way forward with his red-tasseled spear.

A tall silhouette was looming in the shadows.


Shu Yichao was about to make his greeting when the tall silhouette suddenly flitted forth.

The Metal Fortresses who were trailing behind Shu Yichao due to their slower footsteps were instantaneously crushed into a lump of metal, flesh, and blood.

The wind finally stopped at an area not too far away from Shu Yichao.

“I am the Eternal Emperor recognized by the Lord,” Charlemagne emphasized. “You usurper! I am the born ruler of the world! There can only be one conqueror in this world, and that’s me!”

The golden sphere ringing in her hand seemed to be answering her question.

Back when the Romain Empire was in its prime, the Romains believed that they were superior to everyone else, and the world belonged to them. Thus, the Romain Emperors usually held an orb in their hands signifying that the world was in their grasp.

Charlemagne first obtained the golden sphere when he was crowned as the Emperor of the Romains, which was why she believed that she was the chosen emperor when this holy artifact fell into her hands.

But now

Why is there a Horseman of the Apocalypse when there is already a chosen emperor?

Charlemagne stared at Shu Yichao with lifeless eyes, seemingly waiting for his answer.

“Her stats are quite high
” Shu Yichao didn’t hear Charlemagne’s rambling at all—there was no point since he didn’t understand her words. Instead, he took the time to check her stats. “This is more like a proper fight! No wonder the Metal Fortresses weren’t a match for her!”

Name: Charlemagne

Melee Damage: 175-195 (Armor break)

Charge Bonus: 75-95

Armor: 80

Defense: 30

Speed: 220-250

Skills: Unknown

Charlemagne had the upper hand in all of her stats other than armor, and even so, that wasn’t really an issue since her attacks had the effect of ‘Armor break’.

But Shu Yichao wasn’t bothered. He thought that only made the fight more interesting.

It’s boring to deal with weaklings all the time.

So, Shu Yichao raised his thumb and drew it across his neck.


Why isn’t the golden sphere working? It has never failed me when it comes to controlling an individual before. Why would it suddenly fail today

Forget it.

Charlemagne tossed aside the golden sphere in her hand, and it rolled away from her. With a scepter in one hand and a sword in the other, she said, “I understand now. You are a trial I have to overcome. Only by killing you can I prove that I am the Eternal Emperor blessed by the Lord!”


Charlemagne leaped at Shu Yichao like a ferocious beast, her sword reflecting a chilling light as she swung it down.

This attack was too fast for Shu Yichao to dodge! The earlier deaths of the Metal Fortresses proved just how terrifying this attack was.

There was another cold glint, as a red-tasseled spear shot toward Charlemagne’s chest.


Charlemagne was horrified. Where did this spear come from?!

She quickly brought her sword down to block the spear thrust. The sheer strength behind the two weapons produced a creaking sound in the cathedral that made others shudder in fear.

Something is wrong!

The force Charlemagne felt from the spear wasn’t an explosive strike; it was angled in a way that disrupted her posture. She felt her center of gravity shifting in an unexpected manner.


The red-tasseled spear and the sword slipped past each other, causing Charlemagne, who had exerted her full strength on that attack, to stagger forward.


Shu Yichao took this opportunity to bash his fist into Charlemagne’s face.

