The dragon's harem - C.711 InvitationsApr 13, 2024

The dragon's harem

C.711 InvitationsApr 13, 2024

Arad stared back at the guests now that the nuns and maids cleaned the table in front of him.

"As we finished discussing Zephyr's matter, do you have anything else to add?" Arad looked at the gusts with a smile.

"Don't drink poison," Lucifer sighed.

"I can't do that," Arad replied, "I'll keep at it to build my resistance, and Alchemy is quite fun,"

"The tea is delicious! Without Poison!" Tempo shouted. He then turned toward Arad, "By the way, mind if I joined you?!"

"Joined in what? Drinking poison?"

"No, that's disgusting! Probably painful! I'm talking about the University of the Arts!" Tempo stared at Arad with white glowing eyes.

"A titan joining a human university?"

"You're a DRAGON!"

"I can't fault you then, do what you want." Arad smiled, "I'm not going alone anyway,"

"You have people to go with!" Tempo smiled.

"My wives are joining as well, but I also invited two of my friends, and they accepted." Arad already sent some crows to rely on the message.


Jack laughed, looking at the crow that sat on the window, "That sounds fun. I'm sure a lot of rich ladies attend there."

CLENSH! Lydia grasped him from the back, "I'll cut it off." She said with a smile.

"Want to join?" Jack turned toward her with a smile, sweating.

"Of course, I heard their religious section is quite good." She tapped Jack's shoulder, "And I was joking. I don't really care about monogamy or polygamy. Amaterasu never said anything about that. But I'll cut any woman that tries to swindle you away,"

"I'm counting on you."


"Sister, want to come as well?" Abel looked back at Sara, who was working on some papers. free(w)ebnov(e)l

"The great university of the arts?" She looked at him, "It's a good chance to snatch some young talents off there," She smiled, "I'll have my work here handled by someone else,"

Able smiled, "I hear Jack is coming as well. We'll have a fun time hunting for hoes,"

"Don't," Sara sighed, "Lydia would kill him and banish you back to the hells with one smite,"

"You'll take her out of it, won't you?" Abel giggled, "I mean, she's now stuck like you,"

"Unlike me, she's still pulling Amaterasu's holy magic through the lady. I can only reach the lady's holy magic," Her eyes glow with a golden light, "And I can't access the lady's curse while she can."

"How horrifying could she get," Abel sighed, "We'll try to sneak around her. I wonder if I can get Arad to join,"

"I'm sure his wives are coming as well. Do you want Aella to pierce your skull with an arrow across the campus?" Sara put her pen down, "Don't forget that Eris could use holy magic as well,"

Abel sighed, "It's going to be hard to have fun,"


FLAP! FLAP! A snow owl flew across the frozen tundra and landed in a man's arm, "HOOT!"

Gojo smiled, his eyes glowing blue, "I see. Brother wants to join the University of the Arts," He looked back at the growing city behind him, ^Things are going well, time to spend some quality time with little brother.^

"I'm sure it's been a long trip for you, being sent from Ruris capital to here. Rest and eat," Gojo sent the owl flying as he walked toward his city, "I'll set off immediately,"


"So we're studying together," Arad looked at Tempo, "I hope you don't intend on attending the way you look now," Tempo's hair was a burning flame. His entire body was filled with red burning cracks similar to lava rivers.

"I still need to head back and have our wizard make me a human body, But it isn't a problem!" Tempo laughed, "Glad to be your classmate, Arad Orion!"

"Don't call me Arad there..." Arad replied, patting Aisha's head.

"What should I call you then? Uranus!"

Arad thought about it for a while, "A name...Yuwaku Kyomu..." He stared at Tempo, "Call me Aron, Aron Kyomu."

"Got it!" Tempo stood with a grin, "Aron, see you at school," He disappeared in a burst of flames.

Arad looked aside, "That wasn't teleportation," With a worried face, he thought. ^I saw him run out of the room, he's that fast?! Even I can't accelerate like that unless I use [Time slow].^

"I'll keep in contact," Zeus stood, "Feel free to visit us at any time," He looked at Arad.

Arad smiled, "Hopefully you have some food and less trouble than Ruris's capital,"

"Our capital is safe, no need to worry," Zeus laughed as he disappeared in a lightning bolt.

Arad turned toward the door, sweating, "This old man is faster than Tempo,"

"Don't worry," Jason smiled, pulling a blue crystal out of nowhere, "I'm bad at moving on solid ground, I can't run as fast as those two,"

"Is that a teleportation crystal?"

"Homeward stone, it's a single use but has a great range," Jason started clenching his hand on the crystal, "As Zeus said, my kingdom is open for you as well. Come visit. We have a lot of tasty food and fair mermaids. A dragon is bound to like that,"

CRACK! He shattered the crystal, disappearing.

"Mermaids? Fish people?" Arad mumbled, "It might be interesting to visit later,"

"If you want to visit our land," Lucifer smiled, "Be sure to call me first, half angels can be a bit, extreme to say the least,"

"Your kingdom is a hornet nest to a vampire, I'll not be coming there unless I need to," Arad replied, "I don't want to get murdered by a flock of homicidal half-angel priests,"

"Don't listen to that white-winged good for nothing, come to us instead, we have a lot of delicious food, strong drinks, and succubuses of all kinds. Don't worry about dying to them, we have regulations." Gabriel smiled, then he and Lucifer disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Want to come as well?" Arad asked.

Chris shook his head, "No, I look like a kid and I have more important things to take care of. We'll probably work together later now that you're reaching the upper world,"

"It would've been fun to have you there,"

"I can't really attend with this mask on my face," He tapped the mask on his face.

"Can't you remove it? I know hell and all of that is a problem, but can't you do something about it with magic?" Arad looked at him.

"I told you before that Zephyr made this mask. I doubt anyone would find a solution better than what she made," Chris replied, "Anyway, It's better if I leave now. I still have to inform the spirits and all,"

"Well then, see you later," Arad smiled, and Chris started walking toward the door.

"You aren't flying away like the rest," Arad asked.

"Why would I do that?" Chris looked at Arad, "There is no need to rush from here. I'll fly when we're outside,"

The two walked out.

"See you later," Arad waved his hand as Chris flew away at a blinding speed.

"It was a shorter meeting than I expected," Arad smiled, resting his fists on his hips.

^[Did you have to flex on them with the poison?]^

"What did you expect from a dragon? At the time, it seemed like the only that could impress them," Arad replied.

^[You horrified them,]^

"Arad!" Eris called walking out, "Did they leave?"

"Yeah," He turned toward her, "Did everyone settle down?"

"We're still working on it. Baltos and his family did, but Gin is still moving the civilians down to the village," Eris looked at Arad, "Can't you sense that with your birds?"

"The crows? I released them for now as they worked hard to find the land scammers in the village," He smiled.

"Find the what?"

"Doesn't matter, I already took care of that," Arad turned toward the keep and walked inside with Eris walking behind him, "What do you think about going to the University of the Arts?"

"I never went to any school, I don't know how I'll do in there." She replied.

"Really?" Arad stared at her, "I saw your handwriting before and it looked nice,"

"Handwriting isn't a measure," She turned toward him, "Schools are expensive, most people don't go. Only rich people or the talented go,"

"Who did go?"

"I don't know, but I'm sure Aella and Merida got a home teacher at some point. Mira didn't go like me, and I bet that Isdis went to study," Eris said as they reached the hall's door. Arad pushed it open and walked into the massive living room, seeing Baltos and Alcott facing each other, drinking tea.

"The meeting ended?" Baltos stared at Arad.

"It was a quick one. I felt like they only came to see me and then left. They weren't that keep on discussing anything, just saying they'll work remotely together to help," Arad replied.

"That's how they work," Alcott sighed, "They are enemies, don't expect them to find it fun staying at the same place. I'm sure they wanted to kill each other."

"They didn't leave that impression on me," Arad shook his head, "I could feel they didn't get along, but I find it hard to say they hate each other. Especially the dragon queens and that nine-

tailed woman,"

"You're talking about Lola, Mary, and Hati. They are older than history and their relation spans thousands of years," Jack looked at Baltos, "I read in some ancient text that they were married to the same man at one point,"

"The white mage, Cain Lisworth. He lived five thousand years ago in the war age,"

"No that," Alcott shook his head, "I'm talking about the overgod,"

"Is that even real? A god above gods?" Baltos combed his beard.

"I heard that Lola gave birth to light dragons and Mary to time dragons from the overgod," Arad added, "And Tiamat to us void dragons," He sat beside them.

"I don't hear about Hati having any powerful offspring," Alcott scratched his head, "But her eternity is quite the power,"

"What's eternity?"

"Centuries pass without change, no thousands of years go by without a single thing shifting. Her power remains still, and so does her life, rule, magic, and dominance." Alcott looked at Arad, "You can't harm her, she doesn't consume mana to cast spells and doesn't get tired. She's immortal and can't even be injured or moved over her will. Her kingdom is fated to never fall,"

"[I read in a book once that she robbed an immortal being of his immortality and made other people immortal with a poke of her claws.]" Doma created a mouth on Arad's neck and spoke, "[Be careful, Arad. She's as close to a god as a mortal can go,]"

"I don't intend on fighting her or the dragon queens. I can't figure out a way to get around Mary's time magic or Lola's light speed. Now we have eternity, how strong are those old generation of the age of war?" He sighed.

"You're talking about several thousand years old people. Of course, they would've collected some busted skills in such a long time. You'll get that strong if you live long enough, the important part is to survive." Alcott looked at Arad.

Eris stared at them, "That's that," She sat beside Arad, "What about going to school?" freeweb novel. com

Alcott smiled, "I'll get you in there,"

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