The dragon's harem - C.744 ChiropteraMan

The dragon's harem

C.744 ChiropteraMan

"What could a blind man do?" The boss smiled, lifting his sword up with one hand as he got ready to charge.

Jack looked up with his blinded eyes, wind gently passing through his face and ears.

BAM! The boss charged forward, thrusting his sword toward Jack's neck.

CLACK! Jack dodged the thrust with a single push of his artificial leg, slipping beside the attack as he swung the wakizashi while leaning on the great sword for support.

The boss pulled a dagger and blocked Jack's strike, the two swords sparked as they clashed, a flash of holy magic sparking from Jack's wakizashi.

Holy swords have three main properties. Two are identical between all holy swords, and the third is the main ability related to the hero's goal.

The first ability is an extra holy damage on top of the physical slashing damage. It's a holy sword, of course, it'll deal holy damage.

The second ability is mending, which provides repair and healing for both the sword itself and the hero. This translates into the holy sword not needing any maintenance and being able to keep its edge and repair itself with time. The hero would have a weak regeneration effect that helps reduce the days that he spends healing and prevent lasting damage, but that ability is unreliable until the full might of the blade gets unlocked.

The boss growled, trying to kick Jack away, but Jack unleashed the power stored in his artificial leg once again, jumping back fast enough to dampen the kick.

"The fuck are you? Dodging blinded…magic sense, no, my kick was purely physical." The boss stared at Jack, trying to figure out how is this man dodging.

Jack stood in place, he could hear the boss's loud half-dragon heart beating and the rattle of his weapons and gears. With each move that the boss make, his wings move the air everywhere, which Jack could feel on the faint hair on his body. He might not be at Alcott's level of mastery, but it's enough to catch an opponent who isn't bothering to hide his tracks.

The boss flung a throwing dagger at Jack, and it was easily dodged.

"How in the nine hells?!" BAM! The boss lunged forward, swinging left and right but Jack managed to slip through all the attacks even with speed disparity.

^Strange…^ The boss started thinking, for all of his experience, a voice in the back of his head was speaking, ^This feels like when I fought the giant bats…^

"Just what are you? Won't you even use that zweihander? Or is it only for show?" The boss growled as he pointed his hand at Jack's face.

CLICK! Jack's artificial wrist that held the wakizashi twisted as he pointed at the boss's stomach. With a bright flash and a deafening boom, Jack unleashed the cannon in his wrist at point-blank, blasting the boss away.

If it was just fire and heat, he would've been fine, but the heavy three steal beads wrenched his guts, cracking the lower ribs and ripping his abs upon impact. A half-dragon he might be, but without powerful regeneration or healing magic and the iron will of paladins, tanking such a hit was nearly impossible without magic.

The boss's body flew backward and smacked at the wall, he fell on his butt puking and pissing blood. ^That impact crushed a lot of my organs, I won't last long without healing magic or powerful potions…^ He immediately realized the grave extent of damage he received from that blast even though the steel balls didn't pierce his skin.

"A cannon in your hand, you're a monster." The boss smiled, "It felt like getting hit by several sledgehammers at once."

Jack took a stance with black smoke gushing out of his wrist, ready to lung again.

^This fucking bastard, a mere human…killing me…the one who has red dragon blood? Impossible, it'll never happen.^ The boss's heart rate started racing to an insane level, ^I'll rip his head off and heal afterward.^ His pride didn't allow him to run away.

FLAP! With a single flap of his wings, the boss flew toward Jack at a blinding speed, thrusting his sword at Jack's face.

Jack could sense it, and he took a stance with the zweihander pointing back in his normal hand. He then grabbed his wrist with his artificial hand and unleashed the latch. BOOM! The moment the boss got closer, Jack fired the last round in his hand cannon and used that force to spin and swing the sword at a speed the boss didn't expect.

Using the spin, he dodged the boss's thrust as the zweihander cut him right across the chest. The boss rolled back as he took the hit, and Jack spun in place from the cannon shot before starting to fall.

Bleeding and with his guts almost spilling out, the boss knew he lost, running was the only way. He lifted his head, hoping that this rogue would at least die here.

Thud! A thick arm caught Jack before he could hit the ground, and the boss gasped, seeing Arad holding Jack as the fire started consuming the warehouse. "What…Who are you!" He cried.

"Jack…to think you would take on such a job without calling me." Arad pulled a potion, "Heal and rest, I'll make sure to finish the job you started. So this city could be safe for everyone."

He glared at the boss with glowing purple eyes.

"When did you call for help? Accursed Hero…!" The boss grunted, fire gushing out of his claws as he got ready to rage.

Jack lifted his hand and stopped Arad from standing. He then pointed a finger at the boss, "You're already dead."

The boss started puking yellow blood as his flame faded and his eyes turned bright red. He could feel his heartbeats rapidly go out of sync as his lungs failed to work. "You must be…

joking." He fell face first, dead.

"All of my weapons, are drenched in deadly poison." Jack giggled as he pulled a healing potion from his bag and started drinking it.

"Are you all right?" Arad stared at him. "Potions won't bring your eyes back."

"Don't worry." Jack smiled, "Lydia should be able to, but even if she couldn't, I won't have a problem living blind thanks to Alcott."

"Don't even joke about that." Arad sighed, looking at the gang boss.

"That smell…"

"The poisons that doll Aisha taught you. I've mixed them all into one solution and drenched all my weapons to make them as lethal as possible." Jack giggled, "As a side effect of that, Directly support the authors on WebNovel!

they can be cured with any antidote and the symptoms are obvious and mild, so to kill anyone with that mixture, I need to make sure they get really active after getting him to hasten the effect and die from it before realizing they were poisoned."

Jack's bleeding stopped, but his eyes were still blinded. Arad lifted him up and walked to the middle of the warehouse. "I'll clean up." He quickly sucked all the corpses and what the thugs had before teleporting away.


"I hate it here, those teachers talk as if they owned the world." Eris sighed. Sitting on the floor crosslegged.

"That's a high priest. I don't know about you, but to me, it's rare to be able to get a proper education here. I think you should take this chance." Lydia replied as she turned from her seat at her desk, "Get to work."

"I doubt he's qualified, I mean he couldn't even tell I'm a vampire. And even I have far denser holy magic than him." Eris sighed, lying on her back.

"You're holy magic is twice as dense as him." Lydia stared at her, "Did you check mine?"

"Holy magic quality changes depending on the person's strength of faith. I'm sure your is denser than me."

Lydia lifted her hand and conjured a small orb of holy magic. "Look, how is it." She smiled.

Eris stared at the holy with one eye and then started sweating, "You serious? It's that different."

"The faith someone has changed based on their beliefs and mentality. If two people one has a thousand gold coins and one has one silver coin were to give money to charity. The rich man gave five hundred gold coins, and the poor one gave his silver coin whole, who do you think would have a denser holy magic?" Lydia looked.

"The rich one, he gave more money."

Lydia sighed, "So you weren't listening at all. The poor man who gave all of his money would have denser holy magic. It's not about how much you give, it's about how far you're willing to go, and the intentions behind it. The poor man gave all of his money, he didn't care about himself and chose to help someone else. The rich one gave half of his money, but didn't risk himself and wasn't even willing to go all out to help others."

"It's tiring." Eris sighed, "But that explains why you keep charging like a suicidal maniac. You're not afraid of death, risking it all to fight to withhold your oaths. I guess it's what they call blind faith."

"You're wrong once again. As long as it has tangible effects, it's not a blind faith." Lydia went back to writing.

"I lost to the lord of the first layer of hell, while you punched the living hell out of the lord of the second layer. I would say that's enough of a tangible effect." Eris started tapping her head on the ground, "And you're a human. What's my draconic and vampiric blood for."

"You have your strength. Look at Arad, without holy magic he still wiped the second layer of hell with its lord's face." Eris looked at the ceiling, but suddenly her vision got blocked by Arad's butt as he appeared standing right above her head.

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