The dragon's harem - C.784 Fighting Over Arad

The dragon's harem

C.784 Fighting Over Arad

The most uptodat𝓮 n𝒐vels are published on (f)reew𝒆(b)novel.𝗰𝗼𝐦

Back home, Arad walked out of his gold bed with Meryem trotting behind him, staring at his massive black wings. He stopped and looked up, "My clone is a bit of trouble. He's stuck dealing with Sena."

"Sena? What did she do?" Meryem asked tilting her massive head.

"She transformed into a void drakaina and is trying to seduce me. I wouldn't say it isn't working, but he should be able to resist, to an extent." He turned toward her.

"Wait! That's cheating, what is she doing?" Meryem gasped.

"I know…"

"She should've taught me how to do it." Meryem added before Arad could finish speaking, and he stared at her with a disappointed face. "You can't be serious."

"I'm serious. We should stop her, as she might actually win." He shifted into his humanoid form and so did Meryem, he then grabbed her by the hand, and they both teleported back to the living room.

"Aella! Are you here?!" He called.

Aella silently ran toward the stairs and looked down at him, "Shhh! Serin is asleep." She whispered.

Arad couldn't feel Serin's magic as Aella was playing with wind magic above her to put her to sleep.

Arad nodded, waving his hand for her to come. "Hurry," He whispered.

Aella jumped toward him, "What is it?"

Arad explained what Sena was trying to do and Aella gasped, "Wait? Are you serious, she can do that?"

"I wish she taught me how to do it. I wouldn't have to worry about mana then." Meryem nodded and Aella stared at her. "You…don't get at all, do you?"

"Tina, where is everyone?"

Tina quickly explained that Eris was away with Ignis and that Isdis and Mira were in the castle taking a look at the building process. Almost everyone is busy, and not many can move.

"What about Merida?" Arad asked.

"She went to visit her father's parent's grave. We should give her some time alone," Tina approached him. "What is this problem you've been talking about?"

As Arad explained, Tina started thinking… "How about her, she could help." She turned toward the couch…The couch was empty. "Wait, don't tell me went there again."

Tina sighed, going upstairs to Arad's room as he, Aella, and Meryem followed her. When they entered they could see Betty asleep on Arad's bed. "Even though I took her out earlier, she returned to you bed." She looked at Arad.

"Betty? Can she help?" Aella looked at Tina.

"She was bragging about how could go from here to her house in the university is like me taking a step forward. She even went there and brought her pajama that she's sleeping with while I was pouring her tea." Tina explained, "Couldn't you ask her to help?"

"I'm afraid that she does ask for what we're trying to prevent Sena from doing." Aella sighed.

"You do underestimate me, Aella…" Betty opened her eyes, looking at him with a smile. "I'll help him for free. I'm not that unhinged." She giggled.

Arad stared at her with a suspicious stare, "You just want to crush the competition. Don't you?"

"You were listening from the start." Tina stared at her.

"Yeah, I have good ears." She flicked her long ears, "See? They catch even the faintest of sounds." She disappeared from the bed and appeared standing in front of Arad.

"But, to be honest. I was worried about that girl named Sena since she joined the school, her magic is just too strange. I'll have to give her a look…" She cracked her head. ^Her magic resembles that of abominations, I can't believe she's human; no she isn't even a mere mortal.

Betty disappeared.

"Arad…what do you say…" Sena stared at Arad's face as she sat on top of his chest, a wide smile on her face. Their noses almost touched, when she felt something above her head. "If you're this close, then kiss already." Betty stepped on Sena's head, pushing her face on Arad's face.

Sena's head face stopped right before she could touch Arad, "What are you?" She growled.

Betty smiled, "The chairman. And I'm putting quite a lot of power in my leg."

Sena stood and pushed Betty back, glaring at her. "Chairman, get out of my room, you aren't welcome."

"You can't kick me out, I own the whole place. Also, sexual acts are forbidden on the school's grounds, especially if you aren't married." Betty pointed at her.

"Say that to Abel before coming to me." Sena's sharp glare never dropped.

"That's a devil, he can do what he wants, I don't care about his kind. But I do care about you and especially Arad." Betty looked at Sena with a tilted head, "I'll drag you away from him by force if that is necessary. Turning into a void drakaina and a greatwyrm one at that to seduce him is cheating, you aren't playing by the rules."

"I'll do what I want, and as long as he doesn't disagree, you can't butt in our business."

"Fine by me. You're a void drakaina, you won't die, would you?" Betty smiled.

"Why would…" Sena found herself lying on dirt, her whole body burning and screaming in pain. She cried and rolled around as her regeneration kicked in.

"I was certain you'd survive the shock." Betty stared at her with a smug smile sitting on a large boulder.

As Sena's wounds regenerated, she was fully naked, her clothes had burned and her body barely survived, what Betty did was obvious. She located her to another place at the speed of light, or near it, and due to that, her body almost disintegrated due to friction and how light works.

Sena stood as she fully healed, and a grey wizard robe covered her body.

"I really don't want to hurt you." Sena glared at her, "I'll let it slide off if you apologize."

"That should be my answer." Betty replied with a smile, falling asleep on the spot.

"What?" Sena gasped.

BONG! A wooden cane hit her head, "Sena, how many times have I told you to hold back? Don't use your powers here." Her father Cain was standing behind her.


"No buts." Cain stared at her, "I said to respect him as much as you can. If you want him, challenge him fair and square like a dragon."

"I want that…but…"Sena stared at him.

"I said no buts, you're too prideful. Either accept it now or wait until he's strong enough to surpass you, he'll reach that level eventually." Cain flicked his fingers and Sena found herself facing Betty in her room.

^He reversed time? Did what I do have that much of an impact…^ She looked at Betty…

"What? Are you getting away from him or not?" Betty stared back at her.

Sena smiled, moving away from Arad. "Fine, let's stop it here for today." She looked at Arad with a smile. "Be ready for me next time. I won't let you go." She giggled.

"I'll be happy to take you on. But you, not a fake mask." Arad sat up and stared at her.

Sena's eyes opened wide… "Me? Not a fake mask." She touched her face.

"Yeah, why do you need to shift into a void drakaina to get my attention? Couldn't you do it in any other way? Like everyone else?" He approached her, but Betty sat between them. "Arad, be fair to us all." 𝗳r𝐞𝐞w𝐞bn𝚘ve𝚕.co𝐦

"I know." He giggled.

"Are you two done fooling around?" Selica stared at them. "I wanted to take a bath after Lady Sena. Can you give us some time?"

"How about we all take a bath together?" Sena looked at them.

"Good idea!" Betty agreed because she could take a bath with Arad.

"Lady Sena!" Selica gasped.

"You're joining us." Sena gave her a thumbs up.

Back in Alina, Arad sighed, "It backfired, Sena managed to take Betty to her side."

"I knew it, we can't trust Betty!" Aella sighed.

"I want to be there." Meryem stared at Arad, "Can we take a bath together."

"Master…" Tina looked at him. "What shall we do?"

"No need to worry." Arad scratched his head, "I wanted to end this peacefully, but…" He closed his eyes tattoos appeared across all of his body. He gave full control to Doma and she used [Virgo] To shift his body to suit her.

"Why?" Aella stared at him. "Doma, can you help?"

"[Of course, who do you think I am?]" She flicked her fingers, and Arad's clone, Betty, Sena, and Selica all fell on each other on Arad's bed.

Doma then turned Arad back to normal and gave him control.

"Did you teleport us here?" Sena gasped, unable to believe that someone managed to teleport her against her will.

"[No. I activated the expansion that allows me to exit time and space and pulled you with me. Then when I returned to space and time, I chose this location and time to appear, alongside you.]" Doma explained as she took over Arad's clone and shifted it with [Virgo]

"That was the same expansion that allowed him to hit me." Betty stared at her, "Master Doma, why do you have to get in the way."

"[I'm not getting in the way. There is no way that Arad would fit in that small dorm bath.]" She sighed.

"I wanted to sit on his lap…" Sena mumbled.

"[Thus, use Arad's royal bath. It's the first thing Isdis and Mira finished here. I already sent a message to Isdis so she can lock the women's section for us to use.]"

"Can I not?" Arad stared at them.

"[It's fair if everyone is allowed to join, right?]" Doma looked at Aella.

"That isn't how this should work."

