The Fake Heiress and Her Five Villainous Brothers - C.97


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The spiral staircase led to the great hall, where a magnificent crystal chandelier hung from the center of the ceiling, illuminating everything below with its radiant light. A long table made of black marble stood beneath it.

At the front was a stage-like area, concealed by thick, red velvet curtains.


Yuan Luoyi heard a young girl's muffled sob from behind the curtain.

The devotees sat on either side of the long table, their eyes wide with excitement, trembling with pleasure, and eager for what was to come. Today, the deity had come in person, and they had to put on a good show!

At the other end of the room stood a chair, pristine white with a plush, cushioned seat, adorned with exquisitely carved blue irises on the armrests.

Yuan Si led Yuan Luoyi towards it, his hands on her shoulders, guiding her to sit upon it.

"I usually sit here," he said. "The view is excellent. I can see the entire hall."


He clapped his hands, and a female devotee swiftly approached the curtain, pulling it open with force. The red velvet parted to reveal a massive cage, inside which a short-haired girl was imprisoned.

Her body was covered in bloodstains, her frail frame convulsing with sobs. Yuan Luoyi recognized her as Zhang Xunyin, who in high school had been pressured by other wealthy girls to torment Yuan Luoyi. Later, her third brother, Yuan Yong, had captured her and brought her to the Yuan residence, where a horrific massacre had ensued, leaving only Zhang Xunyin and the gym teacher alive.

Recalling the devotee's earlier mention of "defaming the masters' brothers," Yuan Luoyi had a bad feeling.

"Fourth Brother, where are the other brothers?" she asked.

Yuan Si replied, "She would be better suited to answer that question than me."

He approached Zhang Xunyin step by step, his magnificent robes trailing gracefully behind him. He moved with an elegant, handsome, and chilling smile, his lithe body slithering like a python in silent motion.

For someone meeting him for the first time, Zhang Xunyin was momentarily dazzled by Yuan Si's allure—he was radiant and languorous.

However, her reason told her that this was the mastermind behind her abduction, and she recoiled in panic.


Her back hit the iron bars, producing a jarring sound. Her face was pale, and she trembled.

"Do not worry, my dear," Yuan Si said, his voice as light as a wisp of smoke dissipating in the cold air. "The reaper's scythe has not yet fallen. You still have a chance to leave this place. Now, answer my question."

"Where are my brothers?"

Zhang Xunyin quavered, "I don't know. Someone attacked the Yuan residence and released me and the gym teacher from our bonds, and then they left."

Yuan Luoyi grew tense, realizing what had transpired after her departure.

Yuan Si continued, "So they did not kill you, but instead let you go. What did you do after that?"

Zhang Xunyin shuddered more violently. "I... I went home. I was too terrified these past few days, so I hid."

Yuan Si let out a low, rumbling laugh. "You're lying..."

"I'm not!"

"Please do not lie in front of my sister."

Zhang Xunyin froze upon hearing this, her rigid gaze turning towards Yuan Luoyi. She covered her face with her hands and screamed.

"Aaah! No! I didn't mean to! They forced me to do it!"

For Zhang Xunyin, the recent events had been like a dream.

After dropping out, she lived like a rat in the gutter, miserable and resentful towards many, but unable to change her life.

However, she never imagined being abducted to the Yuan residence and facing imminent death, all because she had bullied Yuan Luoyi in high school.

It was absurd—knocking over a cup of water or hiding stationery hardly warranted such a fate, and she had only done those things under pressure from other wealthy girls. She hadn't meant any harm, yet now she was to die for it.

Fortunately, she survived.

Even more fortunately, she was given a chance at fame, an opportunity for the gutter rat to enter high society.

Several reporters found her: "The third son of the Yuan family, Yuan Yong, committed mass murder with horrific brutality, and he is now wanted."

"Strangely, one of the survivors, a former soldier, has been spreading slanderous rumors."

"He claims Yuan Luoyi's death was suspicious, leading to Yuan Yong's drastic change and killing spree. He suggests reinvestigating the case."

"He also says that Yuan Luoyi was isolated in school, and many of the victims participated in that isolation. The school should address such issues."

"You were Yuan Luoyi's classmate and a survivor of this incident. Is all of this true?"

Zhang Xunyin nodded. "It's true."

The reporters sighed, lowering their raised microphones. Her response was too dull—not sensational enough for a headline.

She was going to miss her chance at fame.

Zhang Xunyin shouted, "Don't go! I was just scared before and didn't tell the truth. The truth is... it wasn't us isolating Yuan Luoyi, but Yuan Luoyi bullying us!"

The reporters stopped in their tracks, their microphones thrust back towards her. f𝚛e𝐞𝐰𝚎b𝚗o𝚟𝚎l.c𝗼m

Soon, her fabricated lies spread like wildfire, repeatedly topping the trending lists.

"Shocking! The sole female survivor slept her way out of the clutches of the Yuan brothers!"

"Brave and Wise! A dropout girl's battle of wits against demons!"

"Despite facing constant threats to her life, she courageously spoke the truth!"

Large sums of money poured into Zhang Xunyin's account, with many sympathizers donating to her cause. Overnight, she became a hero.

Meanwhile, Yuan Luoyi faced increased scorn, Yuan Fa was denounced as a morally bankrupt lawyer, and Yuan Yong was branded a brutal, lascivious thug.

Zhang Xunyin indulged in extravagant feasts for a few days, the money enough to live comfortably for the rest of her life. As they say, great misfortune can lead to great fortune!

"Why did you lie?" one day, the enraged gym teacher found Zhang Xunyin. His injuries were still severe, requiring a crutch to walk.

He roared, "They went mad because of the injustice their sister faced! Your words will only provoke them further, and who knows how many more will die!"

"Did you deserve my desperate efforts to protect you back then?"

"Moreover, Yuan Luoyi never bullied you or anyone!"

The gym teacher took out his phone and showed a chat record from the secret group of the rich heiress. Every time they successfully bullied Yuan Luoyi, they would post photos in the group.

"Look! I spilled her water cup, haha, her homework is soaked."

"Will she cause you trouble?"

"Just say it was an accident, apologize, and it's a minor thing. What can she do about it?"

The gym teacher said, "Tomorrow I will expose these chat records publicly. You've gone too far. You'd better take the initiative to clarify this to the public."

Zhang Xunyin panicked. As the gym teacher turned to leave, she decided to protect her hard-earned wealth and violently pushed him. He tumbled down the stairs, his head bleeding, until he reached the bottom.

He was still alive, trying to get up, when Zhang Xunyin grabbed his crutch and struck him repeatedly without stopping until he lay motionless.

The next day, Zhang Xunyin continued giving interviews, crying sorrowfully, perfectly portraying the victim while her phone flashed with incoming money transfers.

However, she had no chance to enjoy the money, as Yuan Si's followers came for her.

Now, she was locked in a cage, once again a helpless lamb, trembling in fear.

Yuan Si had no more questions. He walked over to Yuan Luoyi, bent down, and gently spoke, "She deceived you again and again, never repenting. Human nature cannot withstand temptation. Before, she wasn't evil enough, not because she was kind, but because she lacked the opportunity."

A sharp dagger appeared before Yuan Luoyi.

Yuan Si carefully guided her, "You can make her disappear. It's not wrong; she deserves it."

"She also told the police the direction Yuan Yong and Yuan Fa left, putting them in danger of being hurt or even killed."

Yuan Si watched Yuan Luoyi intently.

Hatred would not make her kill, but she would kill to protect her family.

And he would guide her to embrace the darkness.

