The Malevolent Female Villain Turns Out to Be Me - C.143


This chapter is updated by freew(e)bnovel.(c)om

(This chapter is narrated from the first-person perspective of Zhen Kechuan, referred to as "I". It can be skipped without affecting the main plot.)

In the moment when Ye Junwen fell off the cliff, I felt like my entire world was crumbling. Without a second thought, I jumped after him. I was never afraid of being shattered to pieces; my only hope was for Ye Junwen to survive.

The truth is, I didn't even know what my feelings for Ye Junwen were, or why I was willing to sacrifice my life for him.

Perhaps our fates were sealed from that first chance encounter years ago.

As far back as I can remember, I never had any family. I grew up in an orphanage.

That orphanage was in a sorry state of disrepair. The director would cry in front of cameras, lamenting the poverty of the orphanage and how the children here didn't have enough to eat, in order to obtain generous donations and supplies.

However, the director pocketed all of those resources for himself and abandoned us orphans.

To survive, I left that place and began begging on the streets.

I was only ten years old at the time.

Every day was filled with insults and beatings. Even begging was seen as scamming. To avoid starvation, I gradually started resorting to petty thefts.

It started with stealing steamed buns, snacks from small shops, and snatching pocket money from elementary school students. Later, I began stealing from unoccupied rooms.

During one attempt to steal a car battery, I was caught red-handed by the car owner. Since I was a minor, I was only reprimanded and not prosecuted. The police, seeing that I was an orphan, sent me to another orphanage.

At this orphanage, although I could eat my fill, the other children isolated and bullied me after learning that I was a petty thief.

In the end, I decided to run away from there as well.

I returned to my old ways, lurking near elementary schools to mug lone students for their pocket money. Those were prosperous days for me.

Eventually, as schools and parents became more security-conscious, I lost my income source and resorted to theft again. Fortunately, at the age of sixteen, I was awarded two years of free room and board in prison.

During those two years, although not free, I learned to read, studied many books, and acquired a lot of knowledge.

However, I didn't want to end up there again, so after my release, I studied hacking and disguise techniques while continuing to steal. f𝐫e𝚎we𝚋n𝐨𝘃el.𝗰𝗼𝐦

Hacking was for circumventing surveillance, and disguises made operations easier. As I became more skilled, I evaded the police time and time again, gaining a sense of accomplishment.

So, I progressed from petty theft to outright "acquisitions". As I broke into more and more lavish places and "acquired" increasingly valuable items, I gradually became known as a "gentleman thief".

The first time I killed was during a trip to the supermarket, where I encountered someone who had bullied me in the orphanage. He seemed to be doing well and, seeing my plain clothes, mocked me while telling staff that I was a thief.

I hadn't actually taken anything at the time, and security found nothing on me, so they just kicked me out.

Harboring resentment, I waited at the supermarket exit and followed him when he left. In a secluded area, I slit his throat.

From then on, not only was I addicted to stealing, but I also became addicted to killing. If anyone looked down on me, I killed them outright.

That castle was a secret base I discovered by chance, a place I called home.

Deep down, my heart was fragile. I craved having family and friends. Whenever I looked at my spoils at home, I couldn't help but cry.

If I had a family, would I be happy? Would I have avoided this path? But it's too late to turn back now, heh...

The day before I met Ye Junwen, there was an auction hosted by the He Group. I snuck in during the event.

However, just as I was about to steal a jade artifact worth over a billion, the guards spotted me.

The He Group's guards were formidable, and I couldn't take them out, so I had to flee. That's when the police chased me for a long time, and I was even shot twice.

During my escape, I encountered many people and tried to get help treating my wounds. Some were scared off by the injuries, while others called the police after learning my identity.

Fortunately, my evasion skills were high, and I quickly lost the police, taking refuge in a small mountain cave.

Hiding in that cave, I let out a bitter laugh.

The life I've lived truly makes me detestable.

When I thought I was about to die, Ye Junwen's appearance gave me hope.

He was so timid, trembling like a frightened rabbit. I thought he would run for the hills after learning my identity, but he stayed and treated my wounds, even though his shaking hands caused me a lot of pain.

That took me by surprise.

I gave him that phone card, but I didn't expect him to actually contact me. I just enjoyed watching his panicked look.

Three years later, to my surprise, he did contact me after being bullied by his classmates.

Of course, I didn't let those bullies off the hook for mistreating the only child who had helped me.

After that incident, I assumed we would go our separate ways. But he seemed to enjoy calling me for favors, which I found really novel.

It was like a sudden intrusion into my secluded, lonely life by someone who not only didn't despise me but trusted me enough to ask for help with tasks.

It gave me a sense of being needed, even though I knew he was just using me.

I grew increasingly fond of that feeling, even hoping he would contact me every day to ask for favors.

Until later, when he schemed that car accident and caught the police's attention, I regretted not helping him then. So I started secretly keeping an eye on him, ready to find a way to rescue him if anything happened.

Of course, I succeeded in that endeavor.

Living together with him was probably the most relaxed time of my life. I had someone to eat with, chat with, watch movies with, and exchange good mornings and goodnights.

I had my first ever friend in life, perhaps even family.

I gave him the jade pendant I had carried for many years. I wanted to fulfill any of his wishes, as long as he was happy and stayed by my side, I would be satisfied.

Although he was indeed stupid and cowardly, it didn't matter, as long as I protected him, it was enough.

I just didn't expect that the day of parting would come so suddenly.

Seeing his fearful appearance, I couldn't bear it in my heart, and since I was going to die anyway, I might as well help him one last time and take all the blame.

But alas, fate was unkind, and he fell off the cliff.

I didn't want to see him die, so I jumped after him, luckily catching him and holding him in my embrace. I knew I wouldn't survive, but I hoped he might have a chance.

"Little one, live on for me..."

Those were the last words I said to him, the only one who had ever given me warmth. I hope the grim reaper spares him, and I'm willing to never be reborn again.

