The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman - C.469


What do you think you are doing?!

Wrath extended his hand to take back the cup containing the mint chocolate.

This mint chocolate belongs to the King of Essence! Why would you give it to that geezer with a hole in his tongue?!

He frantically shook his head, saying that a tongue that liked Nadine bread would never understand the true worth of mint chocolate.

You must’ve given it to him because you didn’t want to eat it for yourself! You dirty bastard!

‘I’ll scoop another cup for you. Wait a moment.’

Raon pushed Wrath away and weakly bit his lip.

‘Another flavor would’ve been better.’

Mint chocolate was Runaan and Wrath’s favorite flavor of bead ice cream, but most people didn’t really like it.

Even for the children, there was the smallest number of them around the mint chocolate.

Raon had no other choice because Glenn was about to leave, but it was a mistake to hand out an ice cream that many people hated.

However, he couldn’t take it back either because he had already handed it out and Glenn completely turned back while he was standing in an awkward posture.


He coldly looked down at the bead ice cream as if he were observing his enemy.

“Are you giving this to me?”

Glenn’s voice sounded like it was trembling slightly. The disgusting color must’ve been the problem.


Raon exhaled roughly and nodded.

“It doesn’t have to be this one. There are many flavors, so please choose whichever you like.”

However, Glenn didn’t even take a glance at the ice cream behind Raon and kept staring at the cup containing the mint chocolate.

Raon broke out in a cold sweat, and he could hear someone swallow nervously behind him. He felt like he could hear the heartbeats of everyone in that place.

“This is fine.”

Glenn took the cup containing the mint chocolate as if he didn’t need anything else.

Even his hand looked like it was trembling. Raon thought it must’ve been because he was too nervous.

“My lord.”

Sylvia carefully approached them and offered him an ice cream spoon.



Glenn met Sylvia’s eyes and accepted the spoon. He hesitated for a moment, then he scooped a small amount of the mint chocolate before putting it in his mouth.

He nibbled to enjoy the taste and slowly opened his eyes.

“Not bad.”

The garden’s frozen atmosphere melted upon hearing Glenn’s quiet voice.


“I-I’m so relieved.”

The maids breathed out a sigh of relief and wiped the cold sweat from their noses.

“I’ll be over there.”

Glenn went to the other side of the carriage with the ice cream in his hand. He must’ve thought that the children were afraid of him.


“Good job, young master!”

Raon looked aside, and Sylvia and Yua were praising him with bright smiles on their faces.


Wrath tilted his head.

What’s wrong with that geezer?! How can he understand the greatness of mint chocolate when he has such poor taste?!

He frowned, saying that he couldn’t understand how a human who liked Nadine bread could enjoy the mint chocolate.

Everyone in the garden was smiling, but Raon couldn’t.

‘His lips were trembling.’

Glenn’s lips had started to vibrate the moment he put the mint chocolate in his mouth. He’d said that it wasn’t bad, but he definitely found it bad.

‘Did he hold back because of the children?’

Considering what had happened during the meal when Yua had invited him, Glenn was likely being considerate to the children.

You bastard! What are you waiting for?!

Wrath shook his round hand and asked for compensation for his wait.

Bring the King of Essence’s ice cream!


He had a headache because he was too worried about Glenn, but he went towards the ice cream box to shut Wrath’s mouth.

‘Which one are you getting?’

Do you even need an answer? It’s obviously mint chocolate!


Raon shook his head and picked up a new cup.

‘Should I get rid of the mint chocolate?’

* * *


Federick burst into laughter and went towards Glenn.

“It was worth living so far! I never expected to see you eating ice cream!”

He nodded while asking how Glenn managed to eat the ice cream when he hated sweet things.

“Is that the power of a grandson?”



Glenn didn’t respond and gently looked at the mint chocolate that he’d eaten a spoonful of.

“Why aren’t you eating it? It’s going to melt.”

“I can’t eat it.”

He sighed and shook his head.

“It’s repulsive, isn’t it? I didn’t like that one either.”

Federick giggled, saying that he knew Glenn would say that.

“I can’t tell.”

Glenn shook his head without taking his eyes off the ice cream.

“You can’t tell?”

“I couldn't taste anything. I just

He looked up to the sky and closed his eyes.

“The blissful feeling melted in my mouth as if I was drinking a juice of heaven’s fruit.”


Federick tilted his head, unable to comprehend what he was talking about.

“Isn’t it perfect?”

Glenn gasped while slightly raising the mint chocolate he was holding.

“What’s perfect

“I’m talking about this ice cream. Isn’t its perfectly spherical shape beautiful?”

“Did you really lose it?”

Federick dropped his jaw. He couldn’t understand what part of it was perfect since a hole was created when Glenn had scooped it.

“He’s even talented at scooping ice cream

Glenn smiled faintly while looking sideways at Raon.

“He’s seriously good at everything.”

He had an outstanding talent in martial arts, he was popular among the people, and even his ability to crush his enemy was worthy of admiration. And now his ability to scoop the ice cream was added to the list.

Glenn could only smile because his grandson was great in all aspects.

What had happened a moment ago was for the same reason. He had to strain his entire body to suppress his smile after seeing Raon.

‘How am I supposed to eat such perfection? Moreover, this is the first gift he ever gave me.’

Raon had brought him spoils of war many times before, but it was the first time he’d ever served food for him. That was why it was impossible to touch the remaining part.

Glenn wanted to cover the ice cream in coldness and appreciate it for the rest of his life.

“Don’t tell me
 Are you acting like that because you want to save it?”

Federick’s eyes widened in surprise upon realizing Glenn’s emotion.


Glenn slowly nodded.

“Then just ask for more after eating it!”

“That won’t be the first one. It will be meaningless.”

It was precious because it was the first gift from Raon. The second one didn’t have as much meaning.


Glenn snapped his fingers, and the space split apart. A golden box emerged from the rift.

He opened the box and placed Raon’s ice cream inside.


Federick dropped his jaw while looking at the box.

“Th-that box, isn’t it Loiren’s wooden box?”

“So you recognized it.”

“What the hell?!”

Loiren’s wooden box was a highest grade artifact made from the world tree’s branch, and it was capable of preserving whatever was inside it in the exact same state as when it was first put inside.

It was an extremely valuable artifact, yet a partly eaten ice cream was placed inside. Federick thought that Glenn was seriously insane.



Roenn answered Glenn’s call and came up to him before cradling Loiren's wooden box with his hands.


Federick shook his head while watching the two old men treat the partially eaten ice cream as if it were a priceless treasure.

‘Did he seriously go senile

His hands trembled from the ridiculous sight, and Glenn came up next to him.

“How is the children’s treatment going?”

He narrowed his eyes while watching the children, who started to eat the ice cream once again.

It was difficult to believe that his dignified voice came from the same person who was acting like a lunatic until a moment ago. Apparently, he only lost his mind when his grandson was concerned.


Federick sighed and straightened his back.

“It’s proceeding nicely. There’s no way it wouldn’t, since you are continuously providing me with medical material.”

There were two reasons why the children’s treatment was going well.

The first reason was the warm affection from the annex building’s members, including Raon and Sylvia. The second reason was the fact that Glenn was continuously providing Federick with high-quality medical materials.

“What are you planning to do with those children?”

His voice became slightly serious because he thought Glenn wouldn’t spend money on the children for no reason.

“I don’t know.”


“It’s not up to me to decide.”

Glenn shook his head as if he weren’t interested.

“Raon was the one who saved those children and called you. I have no right to interfere.”

“Raon said that he wanted the children to live the lives they want. He said he wouldn’t stop them even if they wanted to leave the house. Are you sure that’s fine with you?”



Federick smiled faintly while looking at Glenn’s unwavering eyes.

‘He’s definitely changed.’

He’d become slightly softer after he’d overcome the demonic realm, but his oppressive personality still remained because he was born with it.

However, his dear friend had gained a warm heart to cherish his grandson and show consideration for the children during the long time they’d gone without seeing one another.

‘He would’ve raised them into swordsmen no matter what in the past.’

The children were young, but both their bodies and minds were nicely trained. They were the perfect talent to become swordsmen, and Federick wasn’t expecting him to let them go.

Glenn didn’t seem to have any flaws anymore—except for the fact that he cherished his grandson a bit too much.

“However, there’s something I need to do.”

“What do you need to do?”

“I’m going to find the one who kidnapped those children and root them out.”

Glenn frowned, saying that he was investigating but couldn’t find anything about them.


Federick covered his forehead and burst into laughter.

“You finally feel like a human being. This reminds me of the past.”

He put his hand on Glenn’s shoulder, came out from behind the carriage, and waved his hand.

“Raon! Give us one more each!”

* * *

* * *

Raon licked his lips while watching Glenn and Federick return to the carriage after getting another ice cream.

‘Was I worried for nothing?’

He was worried because Glenn’s lips were trembling, but he must not have disliked it that much since he got another ice cream.

‘By the way
 Where did the cup go?’

Glenn was empty-handed when he came to get another ice cream with Federick. Both the spoon and the cup were nowhere to be seen.

Raon looked at Glenn and Federick while tilting his head. They were talking inside an aura barrier, which meant that he was unable to hear anything.

“Sir Roenn!”

Yua and Yulius ran towards Roenn with an ice cream in their hands that each of them had picked for him.


Roenn smiled gently and accepted their ice creams.

Unlike Yulius, who stayed in front of Roenn, Yua interfered between Glenn and Federick and started talking to them.

Federick laughed loudly and Glenn simply nodded. She must’ve said something interesting.

‘I’m jealous of her friendliness.’

Raon was jealous of Yua’s friendly personality that allowed her to approach anyone, and it brought a smile to his face.

‘They remind me of the Sword Demon.’

Watching Federick and Glenn chatting together reminded him of the Sword Demon, Rector, who’d taught him the way of the sword until a little while ago.

He’d said that he would return soon, but there was no news from him.

‘I wonder if he successfully finished his urgent business?’

Raon was aware that it was pointless to worry about Rector, but he was still concerned because he could see bitterness in the last expression he’d seen on the man’s face.

Hey! Your hands are idle!

Wrath pointed at the half-eaten mint chocolate inside the cup.

That geezer is most likely not going to lose with his ability. Stop thinking about him and open your mouth already!

‘I want to try something else! How many times are we eating this same one already?!’

Mint chocolate is limitless! The King of Essence is going to create the Mint Chocolate Religion as soon as he returns to Devildom!

‘I’m losing my mind.’

Raon pulled his hair out.

‘I’m going to get rid of mint chocolate from the world no matter what.’

* * *

Countless swords were planted on the ivory ground, where not a blade of grass could grow.

None of the swords was in flawless form. They were either broken or shattered, and some of them only had the shaft left.

However, not a single one of them was rusted. Every single one of the swords had a gleaming blade, as if they'd been polished a moment ago.

The Sword Demon Rector climbed the mountain called the Sword Ridge while using the countless swords as a guide.

The number of swords decreased as he climbed the mountain, but the bloodlust in them intensified instead. It almost felt like they could unleash a powerful aura blade even though they had already lost their owners.

Rector reached the peak of the mountain with a slight haste, and he saw the back of a man who was wrapped in ashen white cloud-like floor-length clothes.

The overwhelming pressure from the man who was looking down on the land from the peak made it feel like the entire world was within his sight.

Rector caught his breath, walked up to his back, and went on one knee.

“Greetings, Alliance Master.”

The red-haired man with his hands clasped behind his back turned around upon hearing the call.

His young appearance could have been mistaken for a child. His yellow eyes were engulfed in a frightening radiance, like the blade of a renowned sword, and his nose ridge was as straight as the mountain they were on.

Once he turned around completely, his eyes directed at the world slowly descended.

He truly looked like a sword itself, a manifestation of a divine sword connecting heaven and earth into human form.

“I’m sorry for summoning you so late.”

The alliance master smiled quietly. Looking at his smile tightened Rector’s heart.

“Preparing to open the door gave me many chores.”

He simply shook his hand, saying he had lots of annoying tasks to do. The cloud at the mountain peak dissipated, and his blue floor-length clothes were revealed. There was a red sword symbol on them.

Rector swallowed nervously while listening to his calm voice.

‘He’s gotten even stronger.’

The alliance master had gotten even more powerful than before Rector had left the alliance.

‘He’s similar to Glenn but different.’

If Glenn could be compared to a sharp blade covered in a scabbard, the alliance master was a blade whose sharpness was exposed to the world.

The two transcenders had started in a similar manner, but they’d achieved different things in the end.

“How was your journey?”

“Just like always, the world was brimming with excellent swordsmanship and talented people.”

Rector calmly nodded.

“I’m glad to hear that. It would’ve been disappointing if you didn’t enjoy your outing.”

The alliance master smiled faintly while stroking his beardless chin.

“How is Mustan’s development?”

“He is growing at a decent rate. However, his mental growth was more outstanding thanks to a great experience he had.”

“That's good news. He was too impatient despite his excellent talent. However

He twirled his finger and looked into Rector’s eyes.

“Is Raon Zieghart the boy who allowed Mustan’s growth?”


Rector stopped his heart from pounding and simply nodded. The chill kept running down his spine.

“Mustan threw away his laziness after he lost a duel against Raon. He isn’t settling with his talent anymore and is diligently training every day now. Since he managed to learn his lesson without any serious injuries, it was an excellent occasion for him.”

“That must’ve been the reason why you went all the way to Zieghart with that boy.”

The alliance master’s eyes became as narrow as a crescent moon hiding behind the clouds.

“I’m even more curious about that boy now since he guided the Master of the Versatile Sword to the Six Kings.”

The alliance master seemed to know everything that had happened so far, and Rector had expected it.

“He wasn’t the only reason. I wanted to show Mustan the wider world, and I wanted to confirm how much Zieghart has changed.”

He lowered his gaze while giving the most reasonable response.

“So, what did you think? How was the genius who is writing a new history in the continent?”

Rector was trying to change the subject, but the alliance master insisted on Raon.

“His talent was worthy of admiration.”

Rector’s lips slowly parted.

‘I’m only going to gain suspicion if I lie.’ f𝚛e𝐞𝐰𝚎b𝚗o𝚟𝚎l.cđ—Œm

Raon’s name was already famous all around the continent, and he was called a dragon, implying that he was the strongest among the young warriors.

It was necessary to tell the truth while hiding the important parts.

“No one in the continent should be able to match up to him. However, it rarely happens
 but he sometimes tends to look down on others because he’s achieved too much at a young age.”

“I heard he had a level-headed and calm personality, though.”

Since Rector had already expected that question, he stated the response that he’d prepared.

“Yes, he is level-headed indeed. However, his immature side comes out from time to time. He still has many weaknesses.”

“Hmm, it’s understandable considering how powerful he is at his age.”

The alliance master calmly nodded.

“Then how does he compare to Cloud?”

Cloud was the alliance master’s disciple, and he was the genius with an unrivaled talent in the alliance.

He was a monster at the entry level of Grandmaster, but he was incomparable to Raon because he was a lot older than Raon.

“There’s a big difference in age between them

“What about their talents?”

“Hmm, I believe Raon is slightly more talented than him.”

“I guess he needs to be that good for the Master of the Versatile Sword to visit Zieghart.”

The alliance master brushed his hair up from his forehead, saying that he wanted to meet Raon one day.

“Did you meet the Destructive King of the North?”

“Yes. He seemed to have gotten even more powerful than before.”

“What a tenacious old man.”

The alliance master smiled cheerfully even though Glenn had gotten even stronger.

The alliance master turned around once again and stood at the edge of the cliff.

“There must be only one left now.”

Rector nodded since he was aware of what he meant by one.


“Then, as my last order

The alliance master looked around. A frightening spirit was gleaming in his golden eyes.

“Can you kill Glenn Zieghart?”

