Are You Crazy? You're Telling Me This Is a Fugitive TV Show? - C.88 Masterful Utilization, Flawless Identity, The Beautiful Captain Strenght

Are You Crazy? You're Telling Me This Is a Fugitive TV Show?

C.88 Masterful Utilization, Flawless Identity, The Beautiful Captain Strenght

Time for the performance to begin!

Wang Yun, having just left the Jiujiang Skyline Hotel, narrowed his eyes and quickly scanned his attributes and shock value. Without hesitation, he purchased the God-level Acting Skills. Fully prepared, it was now his moment to shine, the most crucial stage of his plan.

His lips slightly curved into a sly smile as he made his way toward the police station.

Sir, how can I assist you?

The majority of the police station was currently occupied by Skynet Operation program staff acting as police officers. Upon his re-entry, Wang Yun was approached by a young actor playing the role of a police officer.

Ive uncovered some leads in the Zhao Yuexingchen case and need to conduct further investigations, Wang Yun declared straightforwardly.

What? the actor playing the officer responded with a look of surprise. Please wait a moment, sir. Ill inform our captain immediately, he said, hurrying inside.

Soon, a group of five or six officers approached, led by two who looked at Wang Yun with knowing eyes. They were actual officers who had been briefed to assist with the Skynet Operation Program. They recognized that the middle-aged man before them was Wang Yun, but they were not to expose his identity. That was the role of the programs chief inspectors.

Admiring Wang Yuns impeccable mask, the real officers couldnt help but marvel at his near-perfection disguise. If they hadnt known beforehand, they would never have gues he was a fugitive from the Skynet Operation Program.

Mr. Expert, you mentioned having some insights into the Zhao Yuexingchen case? one of the officers asked.

Yes, Wang Yun nodded and confidently responded, Zhao Yue Xingchen was murdered. I need to access some information.


What? Big Brother is saying Zhao Yuexingchen was murdered? He didnt uncover anything earlier, did he? Is he fabricating this? What is he planning to do?

The plot thickens! Big Brother is definitely up to something sinister now. His true intentions are about to come to light.

Did Big Brother actually discover something? That capable captain, Ying Yuezi, has started experimenting with a mannequin identical to Zhao Yuexingchen. It seems like shes onto a real breakthrough.

Meanwhile, in Wang Yuns live stream, countless viewers watched his every move, abuzz with speculation and commentary. They pondered over Big Brothers next steps, though many remained skeptical about him having uncovered the whole truth, primarily due to the shortness of his investigation. He had merely strolled around the hotel and didnt seem to delve deeply.

Mr. Expert, how exactly was Zhao Yuexingchen murdered? According to the surveillance footage, it appears she jumped of her own accord, asked a police officer, unable to contain his curiosity.

Although they were instructed to cooperate with the Skynet Operation Program, the Zhao Yue Xingchen case was taken with utmost seriousness. There was no room for error nor for any jokes. This was, after all, a matter of human life.

What if I told you that the Zhao Yue Xingchen in the surveillance footage isnt actually the real Zhao Yuexingchen? Wang Yun said, eyeing the police officers in front of him, a glint of intrigue in his eyes.

What do you mean? If its not Zhao Yuexingchen, then who is it? The officers were visibly taken aback, their expressions a mix of confusion and shock.

Why not? Wang Yun replied with a smile, If actors can have body doubles, why couldnt the person in the surveillance footage be a stand-in performing?

A stand-in? Acting? the officers were slightly dazed, their expressions showing a mix of confusion and sudden understanding.

Mr. Expert, how can you be so sure its a stand-in? The surveillance clearly shows Zhao Yuexingchen its a bit hard to believe, one officer exclaimed, visibly baffled.

Thats why I need to access some information, Wang Yun continued, focusing his gaze on them, I need your cooperation.

No problem. Your theory is quite bold, but it might actually hold some merit, the captain nodded, instructing three program officers, Stay with this expert. Assist him with whatever he needs.

Yes, Captain, the program officers quickly agreed.

I need to cross-reference some personal information, Wang Yun said to them.

This way, please, Mr. Expert, the three program officers, playing their roles, guided everyone to another room.

As the group moved, the two real officers observed them. One whispered, Captain, Wang Yuns guess is remarkable. Claiming the Zhao Yuexingchen in the surveillance is a stand-in its a bit

Its a possibility. If a Skynet Operation Program captain has determined it to be murder, then Wang Yuns theory is likely valid. Hes quite extraordinary, the captain responded thoughtfully. If we hadnt been informed earlier, we wouldnt have recognized Wang Yuns disguise, let alone suspected him of being a fugitive.

Absolutely, its quite terrifying. No wonder hes got the upper hand over the other program captains, the other officer agreed, nodding.


Oh wow, seriously? Did Big Brother really uncover the truth?

Could it be a stand-in, acting on the surveillance footage? Can anyone confirm if this is possible?

It might actually be possible. Movies and TV shows use stand-ins, so why not in surveillance footage? But Im puzzled about one thing. The surveillance clearly shows Zhao Yuexingchens face, doesnt it? That certainly looked like her, which is odd.

Setting everything else aside, this guess by Big Brother is incredibly startling!

Everyone in the livestream, upon hearing this speculation, was utterly shocked. The idea that the Zhao Yuexingchen on the surveillance footage was a stand-in seemed far-fetched.

Meanwhile, at the police station, three program officers escorted Wang Yun into an office.

We can access information on all residents of our city here. Additionally, we also have the authority to check information from other cities and provinces, they said, How should we address you, sir?

Call me Mr. Sun, Wang Yun responded, improvising a surname.

Mr. Sun, what information do you need to look up? You can speak with Qian Jun, hes currently managing this area, the three program officers said courteously.

For fairness, the program team had arranged these officers here under the guise of training for future episodes. The program officers, assuming they were learning for their roles, had no suspicions about Wang Yuns potential presence in the police station.

Ill handle it myself, Wang Yun said, approaching Qian Jun with a gesture.

Sure thing, Qian Jun nodded, standing up, Mr. Sun, what exactly would you like to check?

I need to verify the identities of a few individuals. Can I also process ID cards here? Wang Yun asked, following up with another question.

Yes, this department is responsible for the final verification and printing of ID cards. All ID cards in this area are issued from here, Qian Jun confirmed, Certainly, in urgent cases, you can conduct checks here. Our investigation teams computers also have the necessary access permissions.

Upon hearing this, Wang Yuns spirits lifted. He didnt linger on the subject of ID cards, instead swiftly redirecting the conversation back to the case while starting his search on the computer.

Theres a discrepancy between the Zhao Yuexingchen in the surveillance footage and the real person. I suspect the one in the footage is a double. After researching online, I discovered she indeed has a double who bears an astonishingly high resemblance to her.

A double? The program officers attention sharpened as they saw Wang Yun pulling up an identity on the computer screen.

Wang Yun located several online photos of this double, noting an eighty percent similarity to Zhao Yuexingchen. An eighty percent match was more than enough. He proceeded with his investigation, using the computers access privileges to gather comprehensive information about the double.

Cen Ciya, 26 years old, a graduate of the Magic City Drama Academy.

Wang Yun quickly found her ID photo and several personal pictures.

Bring me the two videos of the victim before her death. I need to compare them, Wang Yun instructed them.

Yes, one of the program officers replied and promptly handed him a USB drive.

Wang Yun inserted the USB into the computer and opened the two chilling videos, scrutinizing them with narrowed eyes. His exceptional observational skills quickly helped him identify the discrepancies.

Ive found it. I can confirm that the victim was impersonated, Wang Yun announced with certainty.

Mr. Sun, how did you come to this conclusion? Qian Jun, who had been observing the entire process, was curious as he hadnt noticed anything unusual.

Tell me, is there a difference between a real and a fake ID card? Wang Yun posed a question to him.

Indeed, theres a difference. A fake will always be just that, and the quality and craftsmanship of a real ID cant be matched by a counterfeit. This becomes apparent upon careful examination. Moreover, real IDs are networked and contain a chip that can be scanned, unlike the fakes, Qian Jun responded.

Can you make ID cards here? Wang Yun pressed on, gesturing toward a nearby machine.

Yes, this machine does exactly that. My role includes reviewing, printing, and distributing them to the relevant authorities, Qian Jun nodded, explaining. There were several newly made ID cards on his desk.

Wang Yun examined them, picked one up, and handed it to Qian Jun, saying with a smile, As you said, a thorough examination reveals the truth. Therefore, you should scrutinize the Zhao Yuexingchen in the video, the actual Zhao Yuexingchen, and her stand-in, Cen Ciya, very closely.

Mr. Sun, could you just tell us directly? a program officer asked, unable to restrain his curiosity.

To be a real police officer, you need keen observational skills. How can you improve if everything is handed to you? Take a close look, compare them frame by frame, magnify and slow down for a detailed comparison, Wang Yun advised them earnestly.

Mr. Sun is right. We should use our eyes to find and uncover the truth, the program officer agreed, his face serious. fre ewebno

Wang Yun chuckled, I need to continue looking into some other data. You can use a computer to scrutinize the details thoroughly.

Of course, Mr. Sun, the program officers replied, nodding earnestly, and quickly moved to a computer to begin their analysis.

Wang Yun observed them, a small smile playing on his lips. As they began their deep dive into the investigation, he subtly produced a USB drive and plugged it into the computer.

Yesterday, Wang Yun had already prepared all the necessary information in advance and swiftly input it into the computer. He then began creating his own ID card. Meanwhile, the live stream audience, who had assumed Wang Yun was earnestly investigating the case, were taken aback by his maneuver.

??? Seriously? Is he revealing his true intentions now? Whoa, hes actually making his own ID card?

I cant believe it. Was his ultimate purpose in delving into this case to make a new identity for himself? A real ID with his disguise makes an entirely new persona.

Incredible! Once this ID is completed, wont he be virtually unstoppable? He could stay at hotels, travel by plane, do anything really.

The program officers posing as cops didnt detect anything amiss. And they even got reprimanded by him to observe more diligently and improve their observational skills?

So, was Wang Yuns earlier discussion about the case lies or legitimate? With his new ID card in hand, how will they ever catch him?

The viewers in the livestream were astounded by these developments.

This guy has finally revealed his true cunning plan, creating an entirely new identity. Only someone like him would dare to conceive and execute such a plan, Director Fang commented from the public awareness livestream room.

Absolutely, this strategy and action are audacious, yet hes capitalizing on the opportunity! Shen Hao couldnt help but marvel, And those program officers posing as police officers were completely oblivious.

This level of disguise is nearly inscrutable, added Director Fang, noting that other program officers, or even real police officers, would likely struggle to detect such deception.

At that moment, Wang Yun accessed the system and added three identities that he had prepared in advance. The first was for his current appearance, and the other two were virtual constructs created as a contingency plan. Should he acquire more disguise masks in the future, he intended to use the faces from these two additional IDs for his disguises. Once this process was complete, his disguise would be almost perfect, with an accuracy of 98%. The only imperfections were his fingerprints and DNA, which were minor concerns.

He swiftly hacked into the system and crafted the IDs, employing his god-level hacking skills. As he was not hacking remotely but inputting data directly on this computer, even tech experts would be unable to detect the identities he entered. In a country with such a vast population, his actions were nearly untraceable. This operation was going to be flawless.

Comrade Qian Jun, could I trouble you for a glass of water? Wang Yun requested, having just finished inputting the new identities into the computer.

Absolutely, Mr. Sun, just a moment, Qian Jun replied, nodding and going to fetch the water.

While Qian Jun was away, Wang Yun quickly initiated the ID card production. The machine nearby, stocked with the necessary materials, efficiently produced three flawless ID cards. He swiftly stowed away the IDs and the USB drive.

Heres your water, Mr. Sun, Qian Jun said, returning with a glass in hand.

Thank you, Wang Yun responded, maintaining his focus on the computer screen. Qian Jun, assuming Wang Yun was deeply engrossed in his research, did not wish to interrupt and returned to analyzing the two chilling videos.

Wang Yun, observing this, allowed himself a small smile and took a sip of water. His important task was now complete.


The Captain from the Skynet Operation program, Ying Yuezi, has identified the crucial element in Zhao Yuexingchens death. She believes the case will soon be cracked.

She truly lives up to her role as a captain of the Skynet Operation. In just a few hours, shes astutely deduced, through simulating Zhao Yuexingchens post-fall injuries, that the person who jumped was not the same person who died.

Absolutely impressive. Lets head over and see for ourselves.

While Wang Yun was strategizing his next steps, he overheard startled conversations near the doorway. Several people were making their way toward the conference room.

Hmm? Wang Yun paused, a flicker of intrigue in his eyes, Is she that quick?

Hey, Mr. Sun, Captain Ying Yuezi has also made progress in the case. Arent you interested in taking a look? the program officers, busy analyzing the surveillance footage, also heard the noise and looked toward Wang Yun, inviting him to join.

Alright, lets see, Wang Yun mused for a moment before nodding in agreement. He had great confidence in his disguise and was curious about the capabilities of this program captain. Understanding both the opponent and oneself was crucial for effective strategizing.

This was an excellent chance to gauge the opposition. Rising from his seat, Wang Yun adjusted his attire and walked outside with a smile, pleased with the success of his recent operation.

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