The Fake Heiress and Her Five Villainous Brothers - C.40


The source of this c𝓸ntent is fr(e)𝒆novelkiss

The fans cheered loudly, holding up signs with "Yuan Luoyi" written on them, jumping and bouncing with excitement. 𝘧𝓇𝘦𝘦𝔀ℯ𝘣𝓃𝓸𝓿ℯ𝘭.𝑐𝓸𝓂

"Luoyi sister is back!"

"I knew there would be a reversal!"

"Ahh, she's so calm, everything went as she expected!"

Other audience members looked at Yuan Luoyi, whispering and discussing, unsure of what had happened.

The five brothers remained calm. With their intelligence far beyond ordinary people, knowledge competitions were a breeze for them. They had known all along that Yuan Luoyi was correct.

Walking onto the stage, Yuan Luoyi sat in her original position, directly across from Su Xun. The other lights dimmed, with only two spotlights illuminating them. They were like caged beasts in an arena, staring at each other, each wanting to eliminate the other.

They had too many old grudges, as Yuan Luoyi had been isolated by her classmates, largely due to Su Xun's instigation.

The host Na Lan said, "Yuan Luoyi, you previously said there were no correct options. Can you write out the correct answer?"

Yuan Luoyi replied, "I can."

Recalling the teachings of the old mathematician, Yuan Luoyi quickly wrote on the screen, with the core of the simple pendulum formula being elliptic calculus, deducing step-by-step, simplifying the complexity.

At first, the audience was perplexed, then curious, and finally shocked as Yuan Luoyi wrote down the true simple pendulum period formula.


Na Lan announced loudly, "Correct! There are two forms of the simple pendulum period formula. One is the approximate formula T=2π√(L/g), which can be used for angles under 10 degrees. This is high school knowledge, and the content of the program's 'Basic Physics A'."

"The other is the actual simple pendulum period formula T=4t=4√(L/g)*K(sinα/2)^2, which can calculate the period for any amplitude. University-level calculus covers this formula."

"Few people question textbooks, but Yuan Luoyi did! When there were no correct options, she bravely expressed her opinion!"

Thunderous applause erupted in the hall, along with a flood of comments.

"My god! An 11-year-old girl used calculus to derive the formula!"

"Wow! Advanced math, my nightmare from university! Half the class failed that subject!"

"I'm a Luoyi fan now, what a brave and lovely girl!"

The question setters were also surprised. They had previously claimed no student would know the true simple pendulum period formula, but now Yuan Luoyi not only knew it but had derived it live using calculus.

A university professor approached Yuan Rui, "Professor Yuan, that's your sister, right? Have you taught her advanced math before?"

Yuan Rui recoiled in disdain, disliking being near living humans, but the person was praising his sister, so he tolerated it.

"I haven't taught her, and our mother has never hired a tutor. She must be self-taught."

The professors continued to exclaim in admiration, staring at Yuan Luoyi with fervent gazes.

Self-taught in advanced math! No wonder she's a Yuan family child, and she seems to have a great personality too. What a brilliant student! They would definitely want to recruit her in the future!

Na Lan walked to the center of the stage, "As a reward, Yuan Luoyi directly gets 90 points!"

"She will compete with Su Xun for the final championship! The competition mode is buzz-in. There are ten questions in total, one point for each correct answer! It will start in five minutes, please get ready!"

Su Xun looked a bit nervous, clutching her hands and staring blankly, as if memorizing something.

Yuan Luoyi, on the other hand, remained calm and composed. She took a deep breath, her gaze sweeping across her brothers.

This day had finally arrived.

She would win!

She would change everyone's miserable destiny!

[Ding! System: Warning! The slack mode has switched to serious mode, please have the host rest soon!]

Yuan Luoyi ignored the warning.

Memory fragments kept surfacing before her eyes. She would use her accumulation from her previous life to win this competition!

The background music changed to a tense countdown, and the big screen switched displays.

Na Lan shouted, "Time's up, the competition begins!"

"First question, during which emperor's reign did the Northern Wei dynasty move its capital to which city?"

"A: Chang'an, B: Lin'an, C: Danyang, D: Luoyang"

Su Xun hesitated, while Yuan Luoyi immediately pressed D. She had been reborn during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period, a chaotic era with countless eccentric rulers. She had even met Emperor Xiaowen, dying a gruesome death that was still fresh in her memory.

"Yuan Luoyi answers correctly, plus one point!"

Before she could celebrate, a new question appeared.

"Second question, what was the specific time period of the Black Death in Europe?"

"A: 1248 to 1351, B: 1351 to 1448, C: 1348 to 1451, D: 1251 to 1348"

Yuan Luoyi pressed C. The Black Death - she was all too familiar with it. Not the pain of illness itself, but the agony of being buried alive by villagers.

"Yuan Luoyi answers correctly, plus one point!"

"Third question, how many states are there in Brazil?"

"A: 25, B: 26, C: 27, D: 28"

Yuan Luoyi pressed B. This knowledge didn't come from memory fragments, but from what the geography teacher had taught in class.

A wave of dizziness struck, and Yuan Luoyi almost collapsed, steadying herself by gripping the table with both hands.

[Ding! System: Seriousness has reached 20%! Please have the host rest soon!]


How could she rest at such a critical moment?

Yuan Luoyi adjusted her breathing, but her physical condition worsened, and her thoughts became sluggish.

Across from her, Su Xun was frowning anxiously. She hadn't expected Yuan Luoyi's reactions to be so rapid, answering before Su Xun could figure out the answers herself.

Yuan Luoyi had gone out for a bit earlier, but when she returned, she seemed like a different person, her gaze filled with determination.

If Su Xun didn't act, she would lose!

"Fourth question, which is the galaxy closest to the Milky Way?"

"A: Canis Major Dwarf, B: Andromeda Galaxy, C: Ursa Minor Dwarf, D: Horse Head Dwarf"

This time, Yuan Luoyi uncharacteristically didn't press the button quickly.

Su Xun fiercely pressed A. She had read many astronomy books, though the knowledge wasn't useful for exams. But she loved the subject and was thoroughly familiar with it!

This was her home turf!

"Su Xun answers correctly, plus one point!"

"Fifth question, what is the approximate temperature of sunspots?"

"A: 3900, B: 4500, C: 5500, D: 5900"

Su Xun pressed B.

"Su Xun answers correctly, plus one point!"

"Sixth question, what is the wavelength of the X-rays used in medical imaging?"

"A: 0.01 to 100 Angstroms, B: 0.05 to 100 Angstroms, C: 0.01 to 50 Angstroms, D: 0.05 to 50 Angstroms"

Su Xun slammed her hand down on D, her heart pounding and blood rushing.

If she got this question right, her score would tie with Yuan Luoyi's! Maintaining this pace, she could win!


Yuan Luoyi was just a spoiled little girl from a privileged family, while Su Xun had endured strict training from a young age. For victory, she had suffered more than anyone!

Victory should belong to her!

The host Na Lan's resounding voice echoed through the hall, "Su Xun answers correctly, plus one point!"

